Excluding intercept while using horseshoe prior in nonlinear model

I want to use the horsehoe prior with a nonlinear model, but I suspect that it also regularizing the intercept parameter when it shouldn’t.

Can somebody check if I’m doing something wrong or if it is an issue with brms?

I demonstrate the issue with 2 toy data sets with the only difference that there is a bias in the second dat set translating in a large intercept value.

Y = sample(c(0,1),100,replace= TRUE)
a = rnorm(Y,Y)
b = rnorm(Y,Y)
c = rnorm(Y,Y)
d = rnorm(Y,Y)
e = rnorm(Y,Y)
f = rnorm(Y,Y)
dd1 = data.frame(Y,a,b,c,d,e,f)
## same data with added bias
dd2 = dd1
dd2[-1] = dd2[-1] + 10

Now I fit a linear brms model with horseshoe prior

fit1 = brm(Y~., family = bernoulli("logit"), data = dd1,prior = prior(horseshoe())
        , seed = 1,eta = 1,adapt_engaged = FALSE, init = 0, algorithm = 'meanfield')
fit2 = brm(Y~., family = bernoulli("logit"), data = dd2,prior = prior(horseshoe())
         , seed = 1,eta = 1,adapt_engaged = FALSE, init = 0, algorithm = 'meanfield')


Indeed, all parameter estimates are the same except the intercept

Intercept -4.1621522 -84.3192850
a          1.0886389   1.0886389
b          1.3354069   1.3354069
c          1.5518533   1.5518533
d          1.4961902   1.4961902
e          0.8681363   0.8681363
f          1.6754869   1.6754869

Now, I fit the same data sets with a nonlinear model

form <- bf(Y ~ log(inv_logit(eta)), eta ~ a + b + c + d + e + f, nl = TRUE)
fit3 = brm(form, family = bernoulli("logit"), data = dd1,prior = set_prior(horseshoe(), nlpar = 'eta')
        , seed = 1,eta = 1,adapt_engaged = FALSE, init = 0, algorithm = 'meanfield')
fit4 = brm(form, family = bernoulli("logit"), data = dd2,prior = set_prior(horseshoe(), nlpar = 'eta')
         , seed = 1,eta = 1,adapt_engaged = FALSE, init = 0, algorithm = 'meanfield')


All parameters are different.

eta_Intercept -1.9768419 0.03578799
eta_a          0.8661051 0.39018095
eta_b          2.2615091 0.42025410
eta_c          1.7398894 0.66441369
eta_d          2.0722380 0.31776399
eta_e          1.2938160 0.23838384
eta_f          2.0037543 0.19358062

To me, it looks like if the intercept is also shrunk by the horseshoe prior.
How can I prevent that? Am I specifying the model correctly?

Thanks in advance

  • Operating System: Linux
  • brms Version: 2.7

Yes, in non-linear models the intercept is treated as part of the vector of regression coefficients and thus is also subject to shrinkage via the horseshoe prior. I agree this is unfortunate. Let me see if I can find a good solution to turn this off and treat the intercept as separate just as is the case for linear models.

You can now control this behavior via argument center of bf and related functions in the github version of brms. For your example, try out

form <- bf(Y ~ log(inv_logit(eta)), nl = TRUE) + 
  lf(eta ~ a + b + c + d + e + f, center = TRUE)

Works like a charm!