Estimation of parameters when adding a weibull 'growth spurt' to a increasing trend


I want to see if i can separate out a growth spurt from a linear growth. In the
following code I add some gompertz growth to a sqrt growth curve

addGrowth <- function(x,w,a,b,l){
  f <-sapply(x-w[1], function(s) if(s<0) 90 else s)
  log(a) - gompertz(f, log(a),b,l)
z <- data.table(x=1:150)
dur <- c(50, 90);
asymp <- 1.15;b <-30;l <- 0.30
noise <- rnorm(nrow(z),0,sd=0.1)
z$y <-   z[,sqrt((x))+noise ]
z$ydup <- z[, exp(log(sqrt(x)) + addGrowth(x, dur, asymp, b, l)  ) +noise ]
  geom_line(data=z[x %between% dur,],aes(x,y=y),col='red',linetype=2)+
  geom_vline(data=data.table(dur=dur),aes(xintercept=dur),linetype = 2,color='grey')+
  ggtitle(glue("Asymptote(a)=Log({asymp}), Offset(b)={b} Rate(l)={l}",asymp=round(asymp,3)))

I tried to model this using brms. Notice i set gr1_id to 90 in regions
outside [50,90]. Thats because the growth additive effect is near zero for those values.
I’ve also set lb=0 for the parameters b and l since they need to be
positive .

z <- z[, gr1_id := sapply(x-dur[1], function(s) if(s<0) 90 else s)]
m1 <- brm(
    log(ydup) ~  slope*x + (log(a) - (log(a) * exp(-b * exp(-l * gr1_id)))),
    slope ~  1,
    a    ~ 1,
    b    ~ 1,
    l    ~ 1,
    nl = TRUE),
  data=z, family=gaussian(),
  prior = c(
    prior("normal(0, 10)",lb=0, nlpar = "a"),
    prior("normal(30,5)",lb=0, nlpar = "b"),
    prior("normal(0.3, 1)",lb=0, nlpar = "l")
  control = list(adapt_delta = 0.999))

 Family: gaussian
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
Formula: log(ydup) ~ slope * x + (log(a) - (log(a) * exp(-b * exp(-l * gr1_id))))
         slope ~ 1
         a ~ 1
         b ~ 1
         l ~ 1
   Data: z (Number of observations: 150)
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 4000

Population-Level Effects:
                Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
slope_Intercept     0.01      0.00     0.01     0.01       2243 1.00
a_Intercept         4.37      0.19     4.01     4.74       1937 1.00
b_Intercept        27.53      5.39    16.49    38.11       1117 1.00
l_Intercept         0.03      0.00     0.02     0.03       1007 1.00

Family Specific Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
sigma     0.21      0.01     0.18     0.23       2066 1.00

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Eff.Sample
is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Though b is estimated decently, the others ) are far removed.
My first reaction is that i miss specified the model, have i? How would i correct

Thanks much

  • Operating System:
  • brms Version:

I also want to point out that if i replace log(a) with A and set a normal(0,10) prior onA and estimate A, the estimation is much faster and the parameter estimate is the same.

They are all still wrong however … (except you could say b is somewhat close, but i’m surprised its not closer)

I think the data generating process didn’t match the model (the usefulness of the bayesian workflow!). I changed it to a simpler model

addGrowth <- function(x,w,a,b,l){
  f <-sapply(x-w[1], function(s) if(s<0) 90 else s)
  log(a) - gompertz(f, log(a),b,l)
z <- data.table(x=1:150)
dur <- c(50, 90);
asymp <- 1.35;b <-30;l <- 0.30
noise <- rnorm(nrow(z),0,sd=0.1)
z$y <-   z[, 10 +noise ]
z$ydup <- z[, 10 + addGrowth(x, dur, asymp, b, l)   +noise ]

and model it thus

z <- z[, gr1_id := sapply(x-dur[1], function(s) if(s<0) 90 else s)]
m1 <- brm(
    ydup ~  slope + (A - (A * exp(-b * exp(-l * gr1_id)))),
    slope ~  1,
    A    ~ 1,
    b    ~ 1,
    l    ~ 1,
    nl = TRUE),
  data=z, family=gaussian(),
  prior = c(
    prior("normal(0, 10)",nlpar = "A"),
    prior("normal(30,5)",lb=0, nlpar = "b"),
    prior("normal(0.3, 3)",lb=0, nlpar = "l")
  control = list(adapt_delta = 0.999))

to get

Population-Level Effects:
                Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
slope_Intercept    10.01      0.01     9.99    10.02       3574 1.00
A_Intercept         0.28      0.03     0.22     0.35       2646 1.00
b_Intercept        30.15      4.90    20.65    39.79       3056 1.00
l_Intercept         0.31      0.04     0.24     0.40       2102 1.00

Family Specific Parameters:
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Eff.Sample Rhat
sigma     0.10      0.01     0.09     0.11       3136 1.00

all of which is spot on.

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Glad you found a way to get it working. I am sorry that I did not reply earlier, but some questions tend to take so much time to dive into in order to be of real help.

No worries at all! I’m so thankful for BRMS. I was getting into STAN and for an R user familiar with standard tools of frequentist linear modelling BRMS is such a wonderful introduction to the bayesian workflow.