Error sampling from prior for mixture model

Question in brief: I get an error when I set ‘sample_prior’ to ‘yes’ or TRUE when trying to sample from a model based on this formula and these priors: ← bf(RT ~ 1,
theta2 ~ cond * group,
family = mixture(brmsfamily(‘gamma’, link = ‘log’, link_shape = ‘log’),
brmsfamily(‘gamma’, link = ‘log’, link_shape = ‘log’),
order = TRUE))

tmp.priors ← set_prior(‘logistic(-3, 0.35)’, class = ‘Intercept’, dpar = ‘theta2’) +
set_prior(‘normal(-0.25, 0.5)’, class = ‘Intercept’, dpar = ‘mu1’) +
set_prior(‘normal(0.8, 0.5)’, class = ‘Intercept’, dpar = ‘mu2’) +
set_prior(‘gamma(9,3.5)’, class = ‘shape1’) +
set_prior(‘gamma(2.25, 1.25)’, class = ‘shape2’) +
set_prior(‘logistic(0, 0.1)’, class = ‘b’, dpar = ‘theta2’)

bmt ← brm(, data = mydata, sample_prior = ‘yes’, prior = tmp.priors)

The error is this:

Variable definition base type mismatch, variable declared as base type vector variable definition has
base type realVariable definition dimensions mismatch, definition specifies 1, declaration specifies 0
error in ‘model53682ca521fe_file536814f21ac0’ at line 87, column 56

85:   real prior_Intercept_mu2 = normal_rng(0.8,0.5);
86:   real prior_shape2 = gamma_rng(2.25,1.25);
87:   vector[Kc_theta2] prior_b_theta2 = logistic_rng(0,0.1);
88:   real prior_Intercept_theta2 = logistic_rng(-3,0.35);

Error in stanc(model_code = paste(program, collapse = “\n”), model_name = model_cppname, :
failed to parse Stan model ‘file536814f21ac0’ due to the above error.

Variable definition base type mismatch, variable declared as base type vector variable definition has
base type realVariable definition dimensions mismatch, definition specifies 1, declaration specifies 0
error in ‘model5368692d6f86_file536814f21ac0’ at line 87, column 56

85:   real prior_Intercept_mu2 = normal_rng(0.8,0.5);
86:   real prior_shape2 = gamma_rng(2.25,1.25);
87:   vector[Kc_theta2] prior_b_theta2 = logistic_rng(0,0.1);
88:   real prior_Intercept_theta2 = logistic_rng(-3,0.35);

Error in stanc(model_code = paste(program, collapse = “\n”), model_name = model_cppname, :
failed to parse Stan model ‘file536814f21ac0’ due to the above error.

I’ve tried different kinds of priors for the b_theta2 effects but I always get essentially the same error. Without a prior on those effects, i.e. :

test.priors ← set_prior(‘logistic(-3, 0.35)’, class = ‘Intercept’, dpar = ‘theta2’) +
set_prior(‘normal(-0.25, 0.5)’, class = ‘Intercept’, dpar = ‘mu1’) +
set_prior(‘normal(0.8, 0.5)’, class = ‘Intercept’, dpar = ‘mu2’) +
set_prior(‘gamma(9,3.5)’, class = ‘shape1’) +
set_prior(‘gamma(2.25, 1.25)’, class = ‘shape2’)

the model runs without problems. The model also runs with the logistic prior, but with sample_prior = "no". Any ideas why this occurs? What am I doing wrong?

Of course I’d be happy to provide more background in case that helps (but unfortunately I can’t provide the data without further ado).

Update: actually I just realized that model also runs with sample_prior = "only", which to me suggests it’s not just me miss-specifying the prior. Is this perhaps a bug then?

Please also provide the following information in addition to your question:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1909, OS build 18363.657
  • brms Version: 2.10.0

I think it is a bug. Let me check whether I can do something about it.

I think you need to update brms to at least 2.12.0. There it works for me.

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Yes, thank you, it works in 2.12.0.

I thought I had updated to the latest version but didn’t realize that the update had failed because I had two vignette pdfs open in acrobat reader…