I am currently implementing the Pareto/GGG Buy Till You Die mixture model described in Platzer and Reutterer (2016). One of the parameters \tau represents the customer lifetime and follows a tricky distribution conditional on whether or not the customer is “alive”, so I opted to marginalize it out of the likelihood described in Equation 8. Integrating out \tau by splitting the likelihood into a t_x < \tau < T case and a T < \tau < \infty case gives the following marginal likelihood function. Note that K contains all of the terms in the original likelihood function that are independent of \tau, S_{\Gamma} is the Gamma CCDF, T and t_x are provided data values at the individual customer level, and k, \lambda, and \mu are parameters contained for each customer.
K * [\int_{t_x}^{T} S_{\Gamma}(\tau - t_x | k, k\lambda) \mu e^{-\mu\tau}d\tau + e^{-\mu T}S_{\Gamma}(T - t_x | k, k\lambda)]
The integral \int_{t_x}^{T} S_{\Gamma}(\tau - t_x | k, k\lambda) \mu e^{-\mu\tau}d\tau in the above expression is not fitting via the integrate_1d
function. The corresponding error is “Chain 1: Exception: integrate: error estimate of integral 2.08696e-07 exceeds the given relative tolerance times norm of integral (in ‘model9d5a44fe393d_ParetoGGG_cleaned_up_for_help’ at line 106)”.
I have tried the following to resolve this:
Changing the tolerance. This inevitably results in another error estimate error for a different value.
Plotting the integrand and exploring how it changes with different values of k, \lambda, and \mu to understand potential discontinuities. There does not seem to be a predictable way to anticipate them.
Playing around with the
argument for the integrand. I kept getting errors about values very close to 0. I suspect I may not be understanding how to use this correctly. -
Changing hyperpriors to be more or less strict.
by using Simpson’s rule to integrate, which is what the BTYDplus package authors did in their Gibbs sampling approach. However, that results in “Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1: Gradient evaluated at the initial value is not finite.
Chain 1: Stan can’t start sampling from this initial value.”
Below is my Stan model, along with a self-contained R script I used to fit it:
// ParetoGGG-cleaned-up-for-help.stan
// Modified from Pareto/NBD in these Collab notebooks
// https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1yxUkWZSBJWIoxBAi7MIxvkWKNgr0NXDH
// https://www.briancallander.com/posts/customer_lifetime_value/pareto-nbd.html
functions {
real pggg_unscaled_palive_base_integrand(real x,
real tx,
real k,
real lambda,
real mu) {
real unscaled_log_integrand = gamma_lccdf(x - tx | k, k*lambda) - mu*x;
return exp(unscaled_log_integrand);
real pggg_palive_base_integrand(real x,
real tx,
real k,
real lambda,
real mu) {
return mu * pggg_unscaled_palive_base_integrand(x, tx, k, lambda, mu);
// Function to integrate MUST have this format.
// https://mc-stan.org/docs/2_21/stan-users-guide/integrate-1d.html
// ...however it still results in a syntax error, so I'm using the solution here
// https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/calling-integrate-1d-reports-parsing-error-parser-expected/19611a
real pggg_palive_integrand(real x, // independent variable to integrate over
real xc, // high-precision version of distance
real[] theta, // parameters (k, lambda, mu)
real[] x_r, // data (real) (tx)
int[] x_i) { // data (integer)
// Integrate this function to get a numerator term in Equation 7
// in Platzer and Reutterer (2016)
real unscaled_sol;
real lower_threshold;
real upper_threshold;
real k = theta[1];
real lambda = theta[2];
real mu = theta[3];
real tx = x_r[1];
real Tcal = x_r[2];
unscaled_sol = pggg_unscaled_palive_base_integrand(x, tx, k, lambda, mu);
return mu * unscaled_sol;
data {
int<lower=1> N; // number of customers
vector<lower=0>[N] x; // number of recurring events
vector<lower=0>[N] tx; // time of most recent transaction
// Called T in the paper, but Tcal in BTYDplus.
// (We avoid using T because T is also the Stan keyword for a truncated distribution)
vector<lower=0>[N] Tcal; // total time observed for each customer.
vector[N] litt; // Sum of logarithmic transaction times
parameters {
// each customer gets THEIR OWN k, lambda, and mu
vector<lower=0>[N] k; // regularity
vector<lower=0>[N] lambda; // transaction rate
vector<lower=0>[N] mu; // dropout rate
// Parameters for distributions of rates k, lambda, and mu
// k ~ Gamma(t, gamma)
real<lower=0> t; // // NOT to be confused with tx or Tcal
real<lower=0> gamma;
// lambda ~ Gamma(r, alpha)
real<lower=0> r;
real<lower=0> alpha;
// mu ~ Gamma(s, beta)
real<lower=0> s;
real<lower=0> beta;
model {
// Hyperpriors for t, gamma, r, alpha, s, beta
t ~ normal(2, 0.1);
gamma ~ normal(0.5, 1);
r ~ normal(0.5, 0.1);
alpha ~ normal(10, 1);
s ~ normal(0.5, 0.1);
beta ~ normal(10, 1);
// Draw k, lambda, and mu
k ~ gamma(t, gamma);
lambda ~ gamma(r, alpha);
mu ~ gamma(s, beta);
// Log-Likelihood of Pareto/GGG
target += (k .* x .* log(k .* lambda)) - (x .* lgamma(k)) - (k .* lambda .* tx) + ((k - 1) .* litt);
for (i in 1:N) {
int x_i[0]; // placeholder to be passed into integrate_1d
real left_term;
left_term = integrate_1d(
{k[i], lambda[i], mu[i]},
{tx[i], Tcal[i]},
target += log_sum_exp(
gamma_lccdf(Tcal[i] - tx[i] | k[i], k[i]*lambda[i]) - mu[i] * Tcal[i]
groceryCBS <- elog2cbs(groceryElog, T.cal = "2006-12-31")
N <- nrow(groceryCBS)
x <- groceryCBS$x
tx <- groceryCBS$t.x
Tcal <- groceryCBS$T.cal
litt <- groceryCBS$litt
# Get initial values by fitting a Pareto/NBD model
pnbd_params <- BTYD::pnbd.EstimateParameters(groceryCBS[, c("x", "t.x", "T.cal")])
names(pnbd_params) <- c("r", "alpha", "s", "beta")
generate_init_fun <- function(pnbd_params, cbs) {
function(chain_id) {
l <- list(t = 1,
gamma = 1,
r = unname(pnbd_params["r"]),
alpha = unname(pnbd_params["alpha"]),
s = unname(pnbd_params["s"]),
beta = unname(pnbd_params["beta"]))
l$k <- array(rep(1, nrow(cbs)))
l$lambda <- array(rgamma(nrow(cbs), l$r, l$alpha))
l$mu <- array(rgamma(nrow(cbs), l$s, l$beta))
init_fun <- generate_init_fun(pnbd_params, groceryCBS)
model <- stan(file = "ParetoGGG-cleaned-up-for-help.stan",
chains = 1,
cores = 1,
iter = 1,
seed = 234234243,
init = init_fun,
data = list(
N = N,
x = x,
tx = tx,
Tcal = Tcal,
litt = litt