Email threading should work now

@Bob_Carpenter, I found some threads on the discourse boards that illuminated the issue with Apple Mail.

Hopefully this works. Would you mind reporting whether this and future discussions are threaded?

I’m replying to my own thread just so you get a second message.

Nope, they’re not.

But the Stan users mailing list threads just fine on
my mailer.

Should I be using a different mailer even if I don’t
use gmail?

  • Bob

no need to switch yet – I’m going to figure out a way to make this work. I just changed more settings.

Bob, can you see if the new emails are properly threaded? I believe the new emails have “Re:” in the title when it’s not the first response. That’s what Apple Mail is using to thread.

Awesome. You’re a magician. It’s working now.

  • Bob

Woo hoo!