Drawing Spline Regression Model with (B-spline)

I’m trying to draw a regression line like this picture . However, the result of my code looks like this.

What am I missing or where am I wrong? Thank you so much!

d <- cherry_blossoms

d2 <- d[complete.cases(d), ]

num_knots <- 15
knot_list <- quantile( d2$temp, probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = num_knots ) )
B <- bs(d2$temp, knots=knot_list[-c(1, num_knots)],degree=3, intercept=TRUE)

spline_mdl <- quap(
    D ~ dnorm( mu, sigma ),
    mu <- a + B %*% w,
    a ~ dnorm( 100, 10 ),
    w ~ dnorm( 0, 10 ),
    sigma ~ dexp(1)
  data = list( D = d2$doy , B = B) ,
  start = list( w=rep( 0 , ncol(B)))

mu <- link( spline_mdl , data = d2)
mu_mean <- apply ( mu , 2 , mean )
mu_PI <- apply ( mu , 2 , PI , prob = 0.89)
doy_sim <- sim ( spline_mdl , data = d2)
doy_PI <- apply( doy_sim , 2 , PI , prob = 0.89)

plot(d2$temp , d2$doy , col = col.alpha(rangi2, 0.5), xlab = "Temperature", 
     ylab = "Day of Year" )
lines(d2$temp , mu_mean)
shade( mu_PI , d2$temp)                                     
shade( doy_PI , d2$temp) 

mtext("Splines with 15 knots")

The question I’m practicing is the following:
Model the association between blossom date (doy) and March temperature (temp). Note that there are many missing values in both variables. You may consider a linear model, a polynomial, or a spline on temperature. How well does temperature trend predict the blossom trend?

  • Operating System: macOS
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Here are a couple examples from McElreath’s text using a brms + tidyverse workflow.