Divergent transitions in logistic GAMM with factor smooth

I am fitting a logistic regression using brms. For background, this is an assay where groups of 50 flies are allowed to choose between a control stimulus and some kind of chemical attractant. There are 7 different attractants used. The assay was repeated 6 times for each attractant. Each time, a completely new group of 50 flies were used. (50*42=2100 flies used in the trial, none were ever “recycled.”) The number of flies responding to the chemical attractant was counted at 11 time points.

The hypothesis is that the level of attractiveness of the different attractants will build and then attenuate at different rates. Thus I decided to fit a generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) which will allow enough flexibility to fit different trends: flat over time, increase followed by roughly a plateau, and increase to a peak followed by a quick drop-off.


Here is a graph of the data with the individual groups’ trends shown as thin lines colored by attractant compound. The median trend for each attractant is shown as a thick line.

This is the structure of the data, as you can see we have counts of flies responding to the attractant at each time point for each combination of replicate and compound. (At first it is measured every 5 minutes but frequency drops to every 15 minutes after a while.)

# A tibble: 462 × 6
   replicate compound     time pct_response n_total n_responding
       <dbl> <fct>       <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>        <dbl>
 1         1 α-terpinene     5            2      50            1
 2         2 α-terpinene     5            4      50            2
 3         3 α-terpinene     5            0      50            0
 4         4 α-terpinene     5            6      50            3
 5         5 α-terpinene     5            2      50            1
 6         6 α-terpinene     5            4      50            2
 7         1 α-terpinene    10            8      50            4
 8         2 α-terpinene    10            6      50            3
 9         3 α-terpinene    10            2      50            1
10         4 α-terpinene    10            4      50            2


I’ve fit a logistic regression model with type of attractant (compound) as fixed effect, with a factor smooth term by time in minutes, grouped by compound. I have fit only a random intercept term ((1|replicate:compound) for each of the 42 experimental units, thus I’m assuming the effect of time is fixed and doesn’t vary randomly the individual experimental units. I set a constraining prior of normal(0,2) on the fixed effects. With a logit link function, this allows for large but not crazily implausible effect sizes.

gamm_fit_ind <- brm(
  n_responding | trials(n_total) ~ compound + s(time, bs = 'fs', k = 3, m = 1, by = compound) + (1 | replicate:compound), 
  family = binomial(link = 'logit'), data = behav_ind, 
  prior = c(
    prior(normal(0, 2), class = b)
  chains = 4, iter = 6000, warmup = 5000, seed = 927,
  file = 'project/modelfits/gamm_fit_ind'

The problem

The model converges quite well and appears to fit the data very well, but I keep getting divergent transitions (~25 to 50 divergent transitions post-warmup). I can’t figure out why this might be the case. Every time I try to set different priors on the sd and sds parameter classes, I get worse performance.

Can anyone please help me diagnose the issue? Is it because of some issue in the way I wrote the s term? Is it because there are too few time points per experimental unit? Is it something that can be repaired with better priors? Or none of the above and I can safely ignore the warning? Thanks in advance for the help.

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Hello @qdread, sorry for my slow response on this one.

This does seem like a good choice of model for this situation. I’m actually surprised that you have that few divergences for this model, as in my experience these hierarchical GAMs are rather susceptible to divergences. In this case I suspect that just increasing the adapt_delta a bit would be a good response to what you’re seeing. I doubt that it will be very productive to adjust priors for the smooth terms (though Intercept and sd priors may be). In this case I expect that you have sufficient data to get a reasonable model.

That said, there are some other considerations with this model that may be worth exploring:

  • this binomial-response model may be too inflexible and miss overdispersion, in which case you could consider the beta-binomial family, or a random intercept by observation.
  • your setting of k = 3 is low and will constrain this to quite simple shapes; I would try increasing it.
  • not sure if it results in a meaningfully different model, but I generally separate the smooth terms, so in this case there could be a population smoother s(time, by = compound), plus any group-level smoothers.
  • the presumption that there is a common effect of time across experiments seems very strong. Another term like s(time, replicate, bs = 'fs') may be warranted.

Thank you for the very helpful answer. I increased adapt_delta quite a bit, increased k to 5, and tried the beta-binomial response family. Increasing the delta was good, but also the additional flexibility from the higher k and that additional overdispersion parameter helped a lot with the divergent transitions. They are completely eliminated. I am shying away from adding additional smoothing terms, though I see your point of why they might be helpful! Anyway, your help is appreciated and I am much happier with the model now.

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