I have repeated behavioural data on multiple indivdiuals which are nested in different groups (colonies). My goal is to test among-individual and within-individual (residual) variation in behaviour and also control for colony effect.
I’m trying to build a double hierarchical mixed model, with the following dataset:
data.list =
list(y = (xdata$totdist-mean(xdata$totdist)) / sd(xdata$totdist),
ind = as.integer(xdata$ind),
colony = as.integer(xdata$colid),
headsize = (xdata$head-mean(xdata$head)) / sd(xdata$head),
colsize = (xdata$size-mean(xdata$size)) / sd(xdata$size),
myrnest = (xdata$myrnest-mean(xdata$myrnest)) / sd(xdata$myrnest),
totnest = (xdata$totnest-mean(xdata$totnest)) / sd(xdata$totnest),
habitat = as.numeric(xdata$habitat),
N = length(xdata$totdist),
N_ind = length(unique(xdata$ind)),
N_col = length(unique(xdata$colid)))
with the following stan code:
int<lower=1> N;
int<lower=1> N_ind;
int<lower=1> N_col;
real y[N];
real headsize[N];
real colsize[N];
real myrnest[N];
real totnest[N];
int habitat[N];
int colony[N];
int ind[N];
vector[2] re_id[N_ind];
vector[N_col] re_col;
vector[6] b;
vector[6] g;
vector<lower=0,upper=10>[2] sd_id;
real<lower=0,upper=10> sd_col;
corr_matrix[2] id_cor;
vector[N] sdy;
vector[N] muy;
id_cor ~ lkj_corr(2);
// Priors for random effect variances commented out as set in parameters.
//sd_id ~ uniform(0, 10); //prior implied in ‘parameters’ block
//sd_col ~ uniform(0, 10);
b ~ normal(0,100); // prior for mean fixed effects
g ~ normal(0,100); // prior for residual fixed effects
//setup random effect term
re_id ~ multi_normal( rep_vector(0,2), quad_form_diag(id_cor,sd_id));
re_col ~ normal(0, sd_col);
///////////// Setup of the likelihood model ///////////////////
for ( i in 1:N ) {
// Mean level model
muy[i] = (b[1] + re_id[ind[i],1] + re_col[colony[i]]) + b[2]*headsize[i] +
b[3]*colsize[i]+ b[4]*myrnest[i] + b[5]*totnest[i] +
// Residual level model
// Log-link moved to right-hand side of equation as the exponential
sdy[i] = exp(g[1] + g[2]*headsize[i] + g[3]*colsize[i] + g[4]*myrnest[i] +
b[5]*totnest[i] + b[6]*habitat[i] + re_id[ind[i],2]);
y ~ normal( muy , sdy );
Although after running the model, I get the following Error message
here are whatever error messages were returned
Stan model ‘activity’ does not contain samples.
Stan model ‘activity’ does not contain samples.
Stan model ‘activity’ does not contain samples.
Warning message:
In .local(object, …) :
some chains had errors; consider specifying chains = 1 to debug
Could you help me to figure out what the problem could be? I’m a newby with Stan and at this point I have no idea what’s wrong.
Thanks in advance.