Hi all,
I’m attempting to fit a VAR based on code found here, but adding another layer. Essentially, I have individual time series for regions which are nested within countries, and would like to pool on countries. I’m running into trouble setting up the data structure for this. The model code is:
int N; //# observations
int K; //# dimensions of Y
int C; //# of countries
int R; //# of regions
int T; //# of time periods in the panel
int<lower = 1, upper=C> country[R]; //country id for each region
int<lower = 1, upper=T> time[N]; //time period id for each obs
int<lower = 1, upper=R> region[N]; //region id for each obs
matrix[T,K] Y[R]; //the outcome array - each variable's time series stacked by region
//individual level
vector<lower = 0>[K] tau[C]; //scale for residuals
matrix[K, K] z_beta[C]; //untransformed betas
vector[K] z_alpha[C]; //untransformed intercepts
//hierarchical parameters
corr_matrix[K] Omega[C]; //country level correlation matrix
vector[K] tau_loc; //mean for variance scaling factor
vector<lower=0>[K] tau_scale; //scale for tau
matrix[K, K] bhat_location; //mean for prior on beta
matrix<lower = 0>[K, K] bhat_scale; //scale for prior on beta
vector[K] ahat_location; //means for prior on intercepts
vector<lower = 0>[K] ahat_scale; //variance for intercept prior
transformed parameters{
matrix[K, K] beta[C]; //VAR(1) coefficients, country specific
vector[K] alpha[C]; //country specific intercepts
for(c in 1:C){
//recentering random effects
alpha[c] = ahat_location + ahat_scale .*z_alpha[c];
beta[c] = bhat_location + bhat_scale*z_beta[c];
tau_loc ~ cauchy(0,1);
tau_scale ~ cauchy(0,1);
ahat_location ~ normal(0,1);
ahat_scale ~ cauchy(0, 1);
to_vector(bhat_location) ~ normal(0, 0.5);
to_vector(bhat_scale) ~ cauchy(0, 0.5);
//hierarchical priors
for(c in 1:C){
//non-centered paramaterization to avoid convergence issues
z_alpha[c] ~ normal(0, 1);
to_vector(z_beta[c]) ~ normal(0, 1);
tau[c] ~ normal(tau_loc, tau_scale);
Omega[c] ~ lkj_corr(5);
for(r in 1:R){
matrix[T, K] y_temp;
y_temp = Y[1:T, 1:K, r];
for(t in 1:T){
if(t > 1){
y_temp[t] ~ multi_normal(alpha[country[r]] + beta[country[r]]*Y[t-1]',
quad_form_diag(Omega[country[r]], tau[country[r]]));
The problem I’m running into is with the sampling statement. The goal here is to split out the time series for each region, and sample use the coefficient for the country for each region. In my head, the easiest way to do this is to create a local temporary matrix that contains only the Y for each region (y_temp
) above. However, I can’t figure out how to subset an array in that way - the subset that I attempt creates a vector, which can’t be assigned to a matrix.
This leads to two questions:
- How can I properly subset the array in order to run my sampling loop?
- Is there a better way to set-up the data structure (particularly with respect to model speed)?