Hello everyone! I’m working on a Conditional Value at Risk model with a State-Space component and running into some issues. It looks to me like the slope coefficients (beta parameters) aren’t identified, and I’m sure it’s because I’m doing something pretty silly.
To start, here’s my simple Stan program that works (it’s just a simple quantile regression)
data {
int<lower=0> K; // number of predictors
int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
matrix[N, K] X; // design matrix
vector[N] y; // outcome vector
real tau;
parameters {
real alpha; // intercept
vector[K] beta; // coefficients for predictors
model {
y ~ skew_double_exponential(alpha + X * beta, 1, tau);
In general, though, I need to be able to handle arbitrary missing values from the X matrix with some kind of state-space model, so I started coding up a version that fills in the missings and such. However, because Stan needs to do some weird stuff to properly shape the missing values into the matrix, I ended up having to do some funky ragged array type stuff (based on what’s recommended in the user’s guide). Here’s that version:
data {
// we need to re-shape a giant vector into a matrix
// because Stan doesn't have ragged data structures
int<lower=0> K; // number of predictors
int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
real<lower=-1, upper = 1> tau; //target quantile
int<lower=0> N_total_known; // total number of known observations in the whole matrix
int<lower=0> N_total_unknown; // total number of unknown observations in the whole matrix
int<lower=0> N_known[K]; // number of known observations by column of X
int<lower=0> N_unknown[K]; // number of missing observations by column of X
vector[N_total_known] x_known; // vector of known obs to be sliced
vector[N_total_unknown] x_unknown; // vector of known obs to be sliced
// index of known observations
int<lower=1, upper=N_total_known + N_total_unknown> ii_obs[N_total_known];
// index of missing observations
int<lower=1, upper=N_total_known + N_total_unknown> ii_mis[N_total_unknown];
vector[N] y; // outcome vector
transformed data {
matrix[N, K] X;
// we need to do this so that we can re-format the missing observations in
// the potentially multivariate X matrix
// complicated version of this:
// https://mc-stan.org/docs/2_28/stan-users-guide/sliced-missing-data.html
int known_pos;
known_pos = 1;
int unknown_pos;
unknown_pos = 1;
for (k in 1:K) {
// assign to X the rows of the "observed index" with the known values
// for column k
// N_known is a vector which indexes these values
X[segment(ii_obs, known_pos, N_known[k]), k] = segment(x_known, known_pos, N_known[k]);
if(N_total_unknown > 0) {
// Same deal for N_unknown
X[segment(ii_mis, unknown_pos, N_unknown[k]), k] = segment(x_unknown, unknown_pos, N_unknown[k]);
known_pos = known_pos + N_known[k];
unknown_pos = unknown_pos + N_unknown[k];
parameters {
real alpha; // intercept
vector[K] beta; // coefficients for predictors
real<lower=0> sigma[K]; // variance of innovations in local-level model
model {
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
for(k in 1:K) {
// assumes scaled X variables
// weakly informative prior in that case
if(N_unknown[k] > 0) {
X[1, k] ~ normal(0, 1);
X[2:N, k] ~ normal(X[1:(N - 1), k], sigma[k]);
} else {
sigma[k] ~ normal(0.01, 0.0001);
y ~ skew_double_exponential(alpha + X * beta, 1, tau);
generated quantities {
matrix[N, K] X_return;
X_return = X;
I first tried running this with an X matrix that has no missing values, just to make sure it’s returning everything correctly (hence the generated quantities block). From the output it looks like the generated quantities block is returning the correctly formed matrix, but the beta coefficients aren’t identified (crazy values, really low ESS, bad Rhat).
Am I doing something really silly? I can’t figure out why this wouldn’t estimate the betas. Right now the state-space bit isn’t even being used since N_unknown is just a vector of zeros. I can share my R code for testing this as well if that’d be helpful.