Hi everyone,
I am analyzing data in which we want to see if an ordinal variable (i.e., the way in which children protest) depends on one of 4 experimental conditions
I am using a BRMS model
formula <- TypeofProtest ~ Condition
with a cumulative “cauchit” distribution
modelCCROrdinalLarge <- brm(formula, data = CCRDataStudy1, family = cumulative("cauchit"), prior = prior, iter = 100000, warmup = 40000, chains = 6, cores = 6, save_pars = save_pars(all = TRUE))
The model seems to work/fit well.
I then wanted to see if the conditions were any different. So first I used conditional_effects() to estimate the likelihood of different types of protest in the different conditionsby using
ConditionalEffects <- conditional_effects(modelCCROrdinalLarge, categorical = TRUE)
which (after some ggplot finetuning) looks like this:
However, as many in my field will find this type of analysis difficult to interpret, and like to also look at these ordinal variables in a more continuous way, I wanted to do that as well.
So I then did
ConditionalEffects <- conditional_effects(modelCCROrdinalLarge, categorical = FALSE)
However, this only yields HDI brackets
but not density plots. I am assuming these HDI’s are derived from an underlying distribution of the estimated latent continuous variable. Is there a way to plot that distribution so that it looks more like another graph I made (for protest probability), which looks like this:
But then for the brackets graph?
Thanks in advance!
Wouter Wolf