Create `stanfit` object faster


I use function read_stan_csv when I want to create stanfit object from the saved CSV file which is created by RStan. However, saved csv file can reach several gigabytes in size for a large number of parameters. In that case, function read_stan_csv can take up on several hours to load csv file.

Is there a way not to save results to csv, but save them to memory?

Below I provided small code example, the line that needs to be improved is stanfit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(fit_vb$output_files()). I have fit_vb object in memory, maybe from it I could get stanfit object and not load csv at all?

Code example:

rm(list = ls())


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

N <- 1000
nchains = 3
ncores = 3
nthreads = 8

data0 <- 
    x = rnorm(N, 0, 1), # x = F1
    x1 = rnorm(N, 1*x, 1),
    x2 = rnorm(N, 0.5*x, 1),
    x3 = rnorm(N, 1*x, 1),
    F1 = as.numeric(NA)

bf0 <- bf(x1 ~ 0 + mi(F1)) +
  bf(x2 ~ 0 + mi(F1)) +
  bf(x3 ~ 0 + mi(F1)) +
  bf(F1 | mi() ~ 1) + 
  set_rescor(rescor = FALSE)

prior0 <- prior(constant(1), class = "b", resp = "x1") +
  prior(constant(1), class = "sigma", resp = "x1") +
  prior(normal(0, 10), class = "b", resp = "x2") +
  prior(constant(1), class = "sigma", resp = "x2") +
  prior(normal(0, 10), class = "b", resp = "x3") +
  prior(constant(1), class = "sigma", resp = "x3") +
  prior(normal(0, 10), class = "Intercept", resp = "F1") +
  prior(cauchy(0, 1), class = "sigma", resp = "F1")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

threads = 2 

# make native stan code from brm objects and save the code as stan object
my_stan_code <- make_stancode(
  formula = bf0,
  data = data0,
  prior = prior0,
  autocor = NULL,
  data2 = NULL,
  cov_ranef = NULL,
  sparse = NULL,
  sample_prior = "no",
  stanvars = NULL,
  stan_funs = NULL,
  knots = NULL,
  threads = threading(threads = threads),
  normalize = getOption("brms.normalize", TRUE),
  save_model = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Neringos/psc_20220117.stan'

# make a native stan data structure from brm objects
my_stan_data <- make_standata(
  formula = bf0,
  data = data0,
  prior = prior0,
  autocor = NULL,
  data2 = NULL,
  cov_ranef = NULL,
  sample_prior = "no",
  stanvars = NULL,
  threads = threading(threads = threads),
  knots = NULL

# need to unclass to work in further steps
my_stan_data <- unclass(my_stan_data)
# need to specify missing parameter (
my_stan_data$grainsize <- max(c(100,ceiling( dim(data0)[1]/(1*threads))))

mod <- cmdstan_model(stan_file = '/home/rstudio/stan_stuff/psc_20220117.stan', compile = FALSE)

# compile stan code
  quiet = FALSE,
  dir = NULL,
  pedantic = TRUE,
  include_paths = NULL,
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE), # enabling reduce_sum
  stanc_options = list(),
  force_recompile = TRUE

# do variational inference
fit_vb <- mod$variational(
  data = my_stan_data,
  seed = NULL,
  refresh = NULL,
  init = NULL,
  save_latent_dynamics = FALSE,
  output_dir = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Neringos/',
  output_basename = NULL,
  sig_figs = NULL,
  threads = threads,
  opencl_ids = NULL,
  algorithm = NULL,
  iter = 1000, # increase iter in order to increase computation time, alternatively use bigger sample
  grad_samples = NULL,
  elbo_samples = NULL,
  eta = NULL,
  adapt_engaged = NULL,
  adapt_iter = NULL,
  tol_rel_obj = 0.0000001,
  eval_elbo = NULL,
  output_samples = NULL
fit <- brm(formula = bf0, 
           prior = prior0,
           data = data0, 
           iter = 1000,
           backend = 'cmdstanr',
           algorithm = 'meanfield',
           tol_rel_obj = 0.00000001,
           empty = TRUE

# reading this csv takes hours for large N
stanfit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(fit_vb$output_files())

fit$fit <- stanfit
fit <- rename_pars(fit)
1 Like

This question is relevant for me too. The process of saving the CSV and then re-reading it looks like a workaround that can be avoided.

Storing them in CSV is not a workaround but a base component of Stan. The alternative is storing all samples in-memory, which is what rstan does, which can clog up RAM and lead to out-of-memory issues.

There are definitely faster ways of reading huge CSV files. Have a look at cmdstanr’s read_cmdstan_csv. Or you can just use the data.table’s read with some additional commands if you want to go more barebone. None of those will create a stanfit object though.

At least as far as I know, there is no faster way of producing RStan’s stanfit object from CSV.

How could I store all information in memory as you said? Memory is not an issue for me because I have several hundred GB of RAM available.

That is not possible with cmdstanr currently, as we always store samples in CSV files there. I was just mentioning what we could potentially do.

Hey, if you’re on Linux, maybe you can try creating a RAM disk (see How to Create and Use a Ramdisk on Ubuntu 18.04) and let CmdStan write its CSVs there. Presumably reading them could be faster this ways. Not sure if that’s much faster though, I never tried it myself…