I recently moved from Rstan to cmdstan and I’m still trying to optimize my workflow acordingly.
Usually I imported the .csv output files from cmdstan using
files = c("output_1.csv", "output_2.csv")
out <- rstan:::read_stan_csv(files)
Because my output files are quite large, I like that the cmdstanr::read_cmdstan_csv command allows to select certain variables to import:
files = c("output_1.csv", "output_2.csv")
out <- cmdstanr::read_cmdstan_csv(files, variables = "alpha")
However, I normally post-processed the posterior output using Stanfit objects. So my questions are:
- Can I transform the list generated through the
to a Stanfit object? - If not, is there any documentation on how to access the elements of this list for certain operations (e.g., get the mean of a parameter across all draws, do traceplots, …)?
Thanks in advance.