Hi everyone,
I have been working on modelling the north-south migration of GPS-tagged animals over time, using a Hilbert space Gaussian process approach. Following my previous post here, I have been incorporating the individual animal ID (AID
) in a similar manner to the “weekday with increasing magnitude” effect in the Birthdays case study, i.e. the individual effects (beta_AID
) can vary over time according to a Matérn 1/2 kernel (which is shared among all individuals).
However, I am encountering convergence problems when fitting the model to data. A subset of the parameters have very high Rhat and very low ess_bulk:
Examining traceplots for the sigma
and lengthscale
parameters, it looks like there is poor mixing and/or multimodality
It also looks like some of the some of the individual-level effects are multimodal:
I have tried several things to fix this, including enforcing a sum-to-zero constraint on beta_AID
(inspired by this post, both via f_AID = append_row(beta_AID, -sum(beta_AID));
and target += normal_lpdf(sum(b) | 0, 0.001)
), and messing about with different priors on the lengthscales, sigmas, and beta_AID
, but have not yet managed to improve things.
However I am fairly sure that the beta_AID
and f3
part of the model is to blame, as f1
(squared exponential) and f2
(periodic) work fine together, and including only f1
or f1
doesn’t seem to work either.
Any advice about how I can improve the model would be greatly appreciated!
The full model code:
vector diagSPD_EQ(real alpha, real rho, real L, int M) {
return sqrt((alpha) * sqrt(2*pi()) * rho * exp(-0.5*(rho*pi()/2/L)^2 * linspaced_vector(M, 1, M)^2));
vector diagSPD_periodic(real alpha, real rho, int M) {
real a = 1/rho^2;
array[M] int one_to_M;
for (m in 1:M) one_to_M[m] = m;
vector[M] q = sqrt(alpha * 2 / exp(a) * to_vector(modified_bessel_first_kind(one_to_M, a)));
return append_row(q,q);
vector diagSPD_Matern12(real alpha, real rho, real L, int M) {
vector[M] indices = linspaced_vector(M, 1, M);
real factor = 2;
vector[M] denom = rho * ((1 / rho)^2 + pow(pi() / 2 / L * indices, 2));
return alpha * sqrt(factor * inv(denom));
matrix PHI(int N, int M, real L, vector x) {
return sin(diag_post_multiply(rep_matrix(pi()/(2*L) * (x+L), M), linspaced_vector(M, 1, M)))/sqrt(L);
matrix PHI_periodic(int N, int M, real w0, vector x) {
matrix[N,M] mw0x = diag_post_multiply(rep_matrix(w0*x, M), linspaced_vector(M, 1, M));
return append_col(cos(mw0x), sin(mw0x));
int N; // Number of observations
array[N] real y; // Northing
array[N] real x; // Time (days)
array[N] int AID; // Animal ID for each observation
int N_animals; // Total number of animals
real<lower=0> c_f1; // factor c to determine the boundary value L
int<lower=1> M_f1; // number of basis functions for smooth function
int<lower=1> J_f2; // number of cos and sin functions for periodic function
real<lower=0> c_f3; // factor c to determine the boundary value L
int<lower=1> M_f3; // number of basis functions for smooth function
transformed data {
// Normalize data
real xmean = mean(x);
real ymean = mean(y);
real xsd = sd(x);
real ysd = sd(y);
vector[N] xn = (to_vector(x) - xmean)/xsd;
vector[N] yn = (to_vector(y) - ymean)/ysd;
// Basis functions for f1
real L_f1 = c_f1*max(xn);
matrix[N,M_f1] PHI_f1 = PHI(N, M_f1, L_f1, xn);
// Basis functions for f2
real period_year = 365.25/xsd;
matrix[N,2*J_f2] PHI_f2 = PHI_periodic(N, J_f2, 2*pi()/period_year, xn);
// Basis functions for f3
real L_f3= c_f3*max(xn);
matrix[N,M_f3] PHI_f3 = PHI(N, M_f3, L_f3, xn);
// Concatenated basis functions - f1 and f2
matrix[N,M_f1+2*J_f2] PHI_f = append_col(PHI_f1, PHI_f2);
parameters {
vector[M_f1] beta_f1; // the basis functions coefficients for f1
vector[2*J_f2] beta_f2; // the basis functions coefficients for f2
vector[M_f3] beta_f3; // the basis functions coefficients for f1
ordered[N_animals-1] beta_AID; // individual-level offset
real<lower=0> lengthscale_f1; // lengthscale for f1
real<lower=0> lengthscale_f2; // lengthscale for f2
real<lower=0> lengthscale_f3; // lengthscale for f3
real<lower=0> sigma_f1; // scale of f1
real<lower=0> sigma_f2; // scale of f2
real<lower=0> sigma_f3; // scale of f3
real<lower=0> sigma; // residual scale
model {
// spectral densities for f1, f2, and f3
vector[M_f1] diagSPD_f1 = diagSPD_EQ(sigma_f1, lengthscale_f1, L_f1, M_f1);
vector[2*J_f2] diagSPD_f2 = diagSPD_periodic(sigma_f2, lengthscale_f2, J_f2);
vector[M_f3] diagSPD_f3 = diagSPD_Matern12(sigma_f3, lengthscale_f3, L_f3, M_f3);
// priors
beta_f1 ~ normal(0, 1);
beta_f2 ~ normal(0, 1);
beta_f3 ~ normal(0, 1);
beta_AID ~ normal(0, 0.1);
lengthscale_f1 ~ lognormal(log(1800/xsd), 0.3);
lengthscale_f2 ~ lognormal(log(365/xsd), 0.3);
lengthscale_f3 ~ lognormal(log(30/xsd), 0.3);
sigma_f1 ~ normal(0, 1);
sigma_f2 ~ normal(0, 1);
sigma_f3 ~ normal(0, 0.1);
sigma ~ normal(0, 0.1);
// Individual-level offset
vector[N_animals] f_AID = append_row(0, beta_AID);
vector[N] f3 = PHI_f3 * (diagSPD_f3 .* beta_f3);
vector[N] intercept = 0.0 + exp(f3) .* f_AID[AID];
// Model
yn ~ normal_id_glm(PHI_f,
append_row(diagSPD_f1 .* beta_f1, diagSPD_f2 .* beta_f2),
generated quantities {
vector[N] f1;
vector[N] f2;
vector[N] f3;
vector[N] f;
vector[N_animals] f_AID = append_row(0, beta_AID);
vector[N] log_lik;
// spectral densities for f1, f2, and f3
vector[M_f1] diagSPD_f1 = diagSPD_EQ(sigma_f1, lengthscale_f1, L_f1, M_f1);
vector[2*J_f2] diagSPD_f2 = diagSPD_periodic(sigma_f2, lengthscale_f2, J_f2);
vector[M_f3] diagSPD_f3 = diagSPD_Matern12(sigma_f3, lengthscale_f3, L_f3, M_f3);
// functions scaled back to original scale
f1 = (0.0 + PHI_f1 * (diagSPD_f1 .* beta_f1))*ysd;
f2 = (PHI_f2 * (diagSPD_f2 .* beta_f2))*ysd;
f3 = (exp(PHI_f3 * (diagSPD_f3 .* beta_f3)) .* f_AID[AID])*ysd;
f = f1 + f2 + f3 + ymean;
// log_liks for loo
for (n in 1:N) log_lik[n] = normal_lpdf(y[n] | f[n], sigma);