Compile error

I’ve just started using pystan and am having some problems with the installation and desperately need help.

My computer is a macbook pro and the cpu is a six-core i7. The computer system version is mac os sonoma14.1.1. I use conda to configure the environment. The python version is Python 3.9.18 and the pystan version is 3.7.0.

When I ran the ‘Eight Schools’ example, I encountered the following error:⬇️

LinkError(DistutilsExecError(“command ‘/Users/xu/.conda/envs/ED_test/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0-clang++’ failed with exit code 1”))

Hi, how did you install pystan?

pip install pystan

Ok, I wonder if there is a clash between your compiler and installed httpstan. You might first want to install pystan+httpstan with conda if you are planning on using conda compilers.

conda install httpstan pystan

okkkk ! I will try again.

now my pystan version is 3.7.0 httpstan version is 4.1.0

but it tells me :

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • httpstan

Current channels:

To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you’re
looking for, navigate to