I have a repeated measures design, with a variable Theta (an angle that goes from -pi to + pi) and 2 predictors, A (6 levels, nominal) and B(3 levels, continuous).
These are my priors (i am using BRMS)
Prior_Theta = c(set_prior('normal(0, 3)', class='b',lb = -pi, ub = pi),
set_prior("lkj(2)", class = "cor"),
set_prior("gamma(2, 0.01)", class = "kappa"),
set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 10)", class = "sd"))
and this is my model
Model_Theta = brm(Theta ~ 0 + A + A:B + (0 + A|Subject) + (0 + A:B|Subject),
data = dataframe,
family = von_mises(),
prior = Prior_Theta,
sample_prior= TRUE,
warmup = 500,
iter = 1000,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
chains = 4,
cores = 4)
the problem is that it takes ages to run and te chains don’t converge. I’ve tried to set an inits to 0 but again, the chains don’t converge. I’ve seen another topic on this (Divergent transitions when modeling changing circular concentration (von Mises dist)) but none of the solution suggested worked.
OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Brms version version 2.18.1