chatGPT-created novel statistical distribution with Stan code

On a whim I decided to ask chatGPT 4o the following prompt:

can you define a new statistical distribution that no one has ever used before and write out the stan code for the likelihood

and… it did :O. It created a mixture on the domain (0,1) that appears to be a beta distribution and a continuous Bernoulli distribution. The R code/Stan code are below (all I had to do was ask it to add an initial values function when the initialization failed on the first try).

Not sure what practical purpose this serves, but it is clear that chatGPT is really good at Stan. Must be all those docs & case studies.

Also if anyone can recognize this model, that would be really helpful.

You can get the code from this gist: ChatGPT-created statistical distribution with R and Stan Code: · GitHub

and I also pasted it below:

# Load required packages

# Function to simulate data from the Bimodal Exponential-Beta Distribution
simulate_bimodal_data <- function(N, lambda, alpha, beta, w) {
  data <- numeric(N)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    if (runif(1) < w) {
      # Exponential component
      data[i] <- -log(1 - runif(1)) / lambda
    } else {
      # Beta component
      data[i] <- rbeta(1, alpha, beta)
    # Bound the data to [0, 1]
    data[i] <- max(1e-6, min(1 - 1e-6, data[i]))  # Avoid exact 0 or 1

# Parameters for the simulation
N <- 1000
lambda_true <- 5
alpha_true <- 2
beta_true <- 5
w_true <- 0.7

# Simulate data
sim_data <- simulate_bimodal_data(N, lambda_true, alpha_true, beta_true, w_true)

# Visualize the simulated data
ggplot(data.frame(x = sim_data), aes(x)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 50, color = "black", fill = "lightblue") +
  labs(title = "Simulated Bimodal Exponential-Beta Data", x = "x", y = "Frequency")

# Stan model as a string
stan_model_code <- "
functions {
  real bimodal_exponential_beta_lpdf(real x, real lambda, real alpha, real beta, real w) {
    if (x <= 0 || x >= 1) return negative_infinity();  // Avoid log(0)
    if (w < 0 || w > 1) return negative_infinity();
    real log_exp = log(lambda) - lambda * x;
    real log_beta = lgamma(alpha + beta) - lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(beta) +
                    (alpha - 1) * log(x) + (beta - 1) * log1m(x);
    return log_sum_exp(log(w) + log_exp, log1m(w) + log_beta);
data {
  int<lower=1> N;
  real<lower=0, upper=1> x[N];
parameters {
  real<lower=0> lambda;
  real<lower=0> alpha;
  real<lower=0> beta;
  real<lower=0, upper=1> w;
model {
  // Priors
  lambda ~ exponential(1);
  alpha ~ gamma(2, 2);
  beta ~ gamma(2, 2);
  w ~ beta(2, 2);

  // Likelihood
  for (n in 1:N) {
    target += bimodal_exponential_beta_lpdf(x[n] | lambda, alpha, beta, w);

# Compile the Stan model
stan_model <- stan_model(model_code = stan_model_code)

# Prepare data for Stan
stan_data <- list(
  N = N,
  x = sim_data

# Define initial values function
init_fun <- function() {
    lambda = abs(rnorm(1, mean = lambda_true, sd = 1)),
    alpha = abs(rnorm(1, mean = alpha_true, sd = 0.5)),
    beta = abs(rnorm(1, mean = beta_true, sd = 0.5)),
    w = runif(1, min = 0.5, max = 0.9)

# Fit the Stan model with initial values
fit <- sampling(
  data = stan_data,
  init = init_fun,
  iter = 2000,
  chains = 4,
  seed = 123,
  control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9)

# Print results

# Extract posterior samples
posterior_samples <- extract(fit)

# Plot posterior distributions
posterior_df <- data.frame(
  lambda = posterior_samples$lambda,
  alpha = posterior_samples$alpha,
  beta = posterior_samples$beta,
  w = posterior_samples$w

ggplot(posterior_df, aes(x = lambda)) +
  geom_density(fill = "lightblue", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Posterior Distribution of Lambda", x = "Lambda", y = "Density")

ggplot(posterior_df, aes(x = alpha)) +
  geom_density(fill = "lightgreen", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Posterior Distribution of Alpha", x = "Alpha", y = "Density")

ggplot(posterior_df, aes(x = beta)) +
  geom_density(fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Posterior Distribution of Beta", x = "Beta", y = "Density")

ggplot(posterior_df, aes(x = w)) +
  geom_density(fill = "purple", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Posterior Distribution of Weight (w)", x = "w", y = "Density")


Cool. From the GitHub gist comment it looks like this was using 4o, which is impressive! I’ve found o1-preview to be much much better than 4o for Stan code.

4o is a big leap for Stan and o1 is even better (though it’s not thinking nearly as long as it did as o1-preview). It’s much better, but it still writes code like a physicist rather than a statistician, writing out the formula for every special function that wasn’t familiar to Newton. For example,

real log_exp = log(lambda) - lambda * x;

should really be coded as

log_exp = exponential_lpdf(x | lambda);

and same for the next line.

I think this is why you want to write out the distribution rather than the math. This is a mixture of a beta distribution and a truncated exponential distribution (no need for the normalization outside the bounds check as it’s constant). The exponential can add a mode and the beta can add two modes, so I think it can be trimodal with the right parameters.

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Thanks guys for the pointers. Still bizarre to me that this thing wrote out a correct distribution, even with some coding oddities as Bob pointed out. So far I’ve only used the tool for converting existing distributions to Stan code and also writing initial values functions for existing Stan code (which it is really, really good at and can save a ton of time).

From a research perspective, though, I’m unsure–could this thing uncover useful distributions or parameterizations of existing distributions? The distribution above is “novel” but not particularly interesting, at least for any application I’ve seen.

anyways, just an FYI, and thanks for the feedback.

And yes this was 4o

One of the things 4o and o1* can do is map from a generative model written in Python or R to Stan code. It’s not perfect, of course. I’ve even taken graphical model diagram images out of papers and fed those into 4o—it can parse the diagram, OCR all the text, and produce Stan code—usually this requires guesswork. I’ve also used it to generate Tikz (LaTeX vector graphics engine) from hand-drawn images. I’ve also given it Stan code and had it write Python code to simulate data. The possibilities are endless.

Has anyone tried this kind of stuff with Claude? I keep meaning to check it out. I have all my old GPT inputs so I can see how it does with the same queries.

*Really surprising a billion dollar company has such confusing product names.

The normalization constant changes the mixing fraction w and depends on lambda which is a parameter in this model, so you really do need it. (Though with large lambda_true and sufficient data, the normalization constant is very close to 1 everywhere in the plausible parameter space)
Also, the simulating code does not truncate the data. The model would fail to initialize if lambda_true were small.

Exponential has a mode at zero and, if the beta has two modes they are always at zero and one, so the mixture has at most two distinct modes. It is unimodal if \alpha < 1 and \beta \geq 1


Thanks so much for the corrections, @nhuure.

D’oh. Yes, you need the truncation whenever there’s a parameter dependence.

Thanks! I was confusing exponential and the more general gamma—when you look at the exponential distribution, it’s pure decay, so it obviously only has a mode at the origin.