I am trying to run a varying-slope model by adapting the brms
code generated using:
sm = fread("example.csv")
make_stancode(smx ~ time + period + (time + period | fips), data = sm)
I attached the data I am using example.csv (45.2 KB)
I adapted the stan code using the hint suggested by @martinmodrak here the post:
One can manually edit the generated brms code and use non-centered for all parameters, but that doesn’t help. One could also add a sum-to-zero constrain on the varying intercepts to remove one degree of freedom (I think R-INLA does this by default), this also does not help (at least a simple implementation). However doing both of those things helps
I am not able to make it work. I commented out the original brms
code I didn’t use and flagged the code added manually.
// generated with brms 2.16.1
functions {
/* compute correlated group-level effects
* Args:
* z: matrix of unscaled group-level effects
* SD: vector of standard deviation parameters
* L: cholesky factor correlation matrix
* Returns:
* matrix of scaled group-level effects
matrix scale_r_cor(matrix z, vector SD, matrix L) {
// r is stored in another dimension order than z
return transpose(diag_pre_multiply(SD, L) * z);
data {
int<lower=1> N; // total number of observations
vector[N] Y; // response variable
int<lower=1> K; // number of population-level effects
matrix[N, K] X; // population-level design matrix
// data for group-level effects of ID 1
int<lower=1> N_1; // number of grouping levels
int<lower=1> M_1; // number of coefficients per level
int<lower=1> J_1[N]; // grouping indicator per observation
// group-level predictor values
vector[N] Z_1_1;
vector[N] Z_1_2;
vector[N] Z_1_3;
int<lower=1> NC_1; // number of group-level correlations
int prior_only; // should the likelihood be ignored?
transformed data {
int Kc = K - 1;
matrix[N, Kc] Xc; // centered version of X without an intercept
vector[Kc] means_X; // column means of X before centering
for (i in 2:K) {
means_X[i - 1] = mean(X[, i]);
Xc[, i - 1] = X[, i] - means_X[i - 1];
parameters {
vector[Kc] b; // population-level effects
real Intercept; // temporary intercept for centered predictors
real<lower=0> sigma; // dispersion parameter
vector<lower=0>[M_1] sd_1; // group-level standard deviations
cholesky_factor_corr[M_1] L_1; // cholesky factor of correlation matrix
// manually added
matrix[N_1, M_1] r_1;
vector[N_1] r_1_1;
vector[N_1] r_1_2;
vector[N_1] r_1_3;
// original brms
// matrix[M_1, N_1] z_1; // standardized group-level effects
// original brms
// transformed parameters {
// matrix[N_1, M_1] r_1; // actual group-level effects
// // using vectors speeds up indexing in loops
// vector[N_1] r_1_1;
// vector[N_1] r_1_2;
// vector[N_1] r_1_3;
// // compute actual group-level effects
// r_1 = scale_r_cor(z_1, sd_1, L_1);
// r_1_1 = r_1[, 1];
// r_1_2 = r_1[, 2];
// r_1_3 = r_1[, 3];
// }
model {
// likelihood including constants
if (!prior_only) {
// initialize linear predictor term
vector[N] mu = Intercept + rep_vector(0.0, N);
for (n in 1:N) {
// add more terms to the linear predictor
mu[n] += r_1_1[J_1[n]] * Z_1_1[n] + r_1_2[J_1[n]] * Z_1_2[n] + r_1_3[J_1[n]] * Z_1_3[n];
target += normal_id_glm_lpdf(Y | Xc, mu, b, sigma);
// priors including constants
target += student_t_lpdf(Intercept | 3, 0, 2.5);
target += student_t_lpdf(sigma | 3, 0, 2.5)
- 1 * student_t_lccdf(0 | 3, 0, 2.5);
target += student_t_lpdf(sd_1 | 3, 0, 2.5)
- 3 * student_t_lccdf(0 | 3, 0, 2.5);
target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lpdf(L_1 | 1);
// manually added
target += normal_lpdf(to_vector(r_1) | 0, sd_1[1]);
// manual soft sum to zero constraint
target += normal_lpdf(sum(to_vector(r_1)) | 0, 0.0001 * N_1);
// orginal brms
// target += std_normal_lpdf(to_vector(z_1));
generated quantities {
// actual population-level intercept
real b_Intercept = Intercept - dot_product(means_X, b);
// compute group-level correlations
corr_matrix[M_1] Cor_1 = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_1);
vector<lower=-1,upper=1>[NC_1] cor_1;
// extract upper diagonal of correlation matrix
for (k in 1:M_1) {
for (j in 1:(k - 1)) {
cor_1[choose(k - 1, 2) + j] = Cor_1[j, k];
I am not able to generate the correlation matrix. I am using this function to create a manual brms object:
manual_brms = function(formula, path_stancode, data, chains = 1, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 1000, threads = 1) {
m_centered = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(path_stancode, cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))
sdat = brms::make_standata(formula, data = data)
fit_centered = m_centered$sample(data = sdat,
chains = chains,
iter_warmup = iter_warmup,
iter_sampling = iter_sampling,
threads_per_chain = threads)
bm_manual = brm(formula, data = data, empty = TRUE)
bm_manual$fit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(fit_centered$output_files())
bm_manual <- brms::rename_pars(bm_manual)
Then I run:
f = formula(smx ~ time + period + (time + period | fips))
output = manual_brms(f, "src/testing.stan", sm)
> summary(output)
Error: The following variables are missing in the draws object: {'Cor_1[1,1]', 'Cor_1[2,1]', 'Cor_1[3,1]', 'Cor_1[1,2]', 'Cor_1[2,2]', 'Cor_1[3,2]', 'Cor_1[1,3]', 'Cor_1[2,3]', 'Cor_1[3,3]'}
Thank you for any suggestions and comments,