the four of us (me, @hyunji.moon, Teemu Säilynoja and Shinyoung Kim) are preparing an online tutorial showing how to use simulated data and the SBC package to guard against bugs and other problems in your Stan models. We would like to have a few volunteers for a test run of the material sometime between Aug 23rd - Aug 25th.
The tutorial + your feedback will take about 80 minutes. The tutorial will be in R + Stan, but will not require actual coding in R (R code will be prepared). We seek primarily users that are Stan beginners/intermediate to make sure the tutorial is broadly accessible.
The tutorial will then be given as a part of the upcoming SBC StanConnect If you’d like to give it a try, let us know below, or write me at martin.modrak@biomed.cas.cz, we’ll try to find an exact date/time to suit you.
Looking forward to testing the material!