Brms: rename_pars with backend = "cmdstanr"

It seems rename_pars (Rename parameters) does not work with backend = “cmdstanr”. Or perhaps I am missing something here.

It works well with default backend = “rstan”. Please see below an example.

cmdstanr version 0.2.0
cmdstan version 2.25.0
brms version 2.14.4


scode <- make_stancode(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy)
sdata <- make_standata(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy)

# rstan fit 
stanfit <- rstan::stan(model_code = scode, data = sdata)

# feed the Stan model back into brms
fit <- brm(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy, empty = TRUE)
fit$fit <- stanfit
fit <- rename_pars(fit)

# cmdstanr fit 
csdata <- list()
for (t in names(sdata)) {
  csdata[[t]] <- sdata[[t]]

cmod <- cmdstan_model(write_stan_file(scode))
cfit <- cmod$sample(data= csdata)

# feed the Stan model back into brms
fit <- brm(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy, empty = TRUE, backend = "cmdstanr")
fit$fit <- cfit
fit <- rename_pars(fit)

Error in rename_pars(fit) : 
  trying to get slot "sim" from an object (class "CmdStanMCMC") that is not an S4 object 

If you need to use math formula, use Latex syntax:

Y \sim N(\mu, \sigma)

Don’t forget to attach tags (top right of this form) for application area/class of models or other general subject areas your topic touches on.

You have to transform the cmdstanr-fit object into a stanfit object first. brms itself does it via

# transform into stanfit object for consistent output structure
out <- rstan::read_stan_csv(out$output_files())
# allow updating the model without recompilation
attributes(out)$CmdStanModel <- model

where out is initially the fitted cmdstanr model.

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Thanks Paul.
I could successfully use rename_pars but couldn’t update the model. Perhaps I didn’t understand the attributes(out)$CmdStanModel <- model


scode <- make_stancode(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy)
sdata <- make_standata(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy)

# cmdstanr fit 
csdata <- list()
for (t in names(sdata)) {
  csdata[[t]] <- sdata[[t]]

cmod <- cmdstan_model(write_stan_file(scode))
out <- cmod$sample(data= csdata, chains = 1)

# transform into stanfit object for consistent output structure
out <- rstan::read_stan_csv(out$output_files())

# allow updating the model without recompilation
# attributes(fit)$CmdStanModel <- fit

# feed the Stan model back into brms
fit <- brm(count ~ Trt, data = epilepsy, empty = TRUE, backend = "cmdstanr")
fit$fit <- out
fit <- rename_pars(fit)

# following update fails 
fit2 <- update(fit, backend = "cmdstanr", recompile = F)

Start sampling
Error: Cannot coerce 'what' to a single character value.

Thanks for your help.

I am sorry, I did not provide enough context for the code. “model” is the compiled model object (before sampling) from cmdstanr obtained from running cmdstanr::cmdstan_model or by extracting it from the fitted model object. If you don’t need to update, you don’t need that part of the code.


Thank you for the quick reply. It’s clear now.