Beta Distribution HMC sampling, Divergent transition, Bulk and Tail ESS

I’m defining a really simple Bayesian model, with ikelihood function a Beta distribution parametrized in terms of mean \mu = a /(a+b) and size of sample s = a+ b, if a and b are a standard Beta distribution parameters.

I provide the data in R

p1 = c(23.5, 23.0, 23.1, 23.1, 23.5, 23.0, 21.8, 22.5, 23.7, 24.0)/100
p2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 16.7, 16.9, 18.2, 19.0, 18.9)/100
p3 = c(17.94, 18.51, 18.74, 18.33, 19.57, 17.31, 17.81, 19.08, 19.66,19.73)/100
p4 = c(18.0, 17.6, 21.0, 20.8, 21.2, 19.5, 20.8, 20.8, 24.9, NA)/100

TT = 10
N = 4
p = rbind(p1, p2, p3, p4)

I have N rows and T observations for each row. There are cells which have NA however I treat them in the rstan code hopefully correctly. So, my rstan code is the following

stan_model_code = "
data {
  int<lower=1> TT;
  int<lower=1> N;
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[N, TT] p;

parameters {
  matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[N, TT] mu_t;
  matrix<lower=0>[N, TT] s;

transformed parameters {
  matrix<lower=0>[N,TT] a_t;
  matrix<lower=0>[N,TT] b_t;
  for(n in 1:N){
    for(t in 1:TT){
       a_t[n,t] = mu_t[n,t] * s[n,t];
       b_t[n,t] = (1-mu_t[n,t]) * s[n,t];
       a_t[n,t] = 0;
       b_t[n,t] = 0;

model {
  for(n in 1:N){
    for(t in 1:TT){
        target += beta_lpdf(mu_t[n,t] | 1, 1);
        target += beta_lpdf(p[n,t] | a_t[n,t],b_t[n,t]);
        target += normal_lpdf(s[n,t] |0,1);

p[] = 0
s[] = 0
stan_model <- stan_model(model_code = stan_model_code)

fit <- sampling(stan_model, data = list(TT = TT, N = N, p = p), iter = 5000,
                chains = 2)

The model looks simple, however, when I run it, the results go crazy :D

Warning messages:
1: There were 5000 divergent transitions after warmup. See
to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them. 
2: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
3: The largest R-hat is NA, indicating chains have not mixed.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 
4: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 
5: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
Running the chains for more iterations may help. See 

The Rhat is NA, it is because of the IF statement that I use in the rstan code to treat the values p[n,t]==0, i.e. to exclude cases which correspond to NA. Is it clear to anyone what this piece of code has such a weird behaviour?

The model has parameters mu_t and s for every cell, even those with p=NA. These extra parameters are not harmful per se but omitting the priors in p=NA case means they have implicit improper prior.
Try moving the priors outside the if block:

model {
  for(n in 1:N){
    for(t in 1:TT){
      target += beta_lpdf(mu_t[n,t] | 1, 1);
        target += beta_lpdf(p[n,t] | a_t[n,t],b_t[n,t]);
      target += normal_lpdf(s[n,t] |0,1);
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With a model like this, I would expect to see a strong hierarchical prior on mu and s (an example like this, done this way, is literally the first example of a hierarchical model in Gelman et al.'s textbook BDA—chapter 5).

In your case, you don’t need to do the transform back to a and b. We have the mean/concentration parameterization built-in as beta_proportion():

Ideally, you’d calculate the pairs of (n, t) for which p[n, t] != 0 ahead of time in transformed data and then put them in a an array of pairs nts and then use something like this:

for (nt in nts) {
  int n = nt[1];
  int t = nt[2];
  p[n, t] ~ beta_proportion(a[n, t], b[n, t]);

The beta(1, 1) is uniform and a no-op in Stan other than to check that all arguments satisfy required bounds, so you can drop it.

The other thing to do would be to use a zero-inflated beta to model the number of times p[n, t] == 0. Otherwise, there’s no way to turn this into a properly generative model as there’s not a model for the p being 0 anywhere.