Hello Stan users,
I’m using PyStan to model how people weight different aspects of an object. I have N observations and K aspects. I want the weighting to be a unit K-simplex parameter to be estimated. The following is part of my Stan model code:
data {
int N; // number of participants
int K; // number of aspects
parameters {
simplex[K] aspect_weight[N]; // this is an array with unit simplexes for K aspects
vector<lower=0>[N] alpha; // hyper-prior for Dirichlet prior
model {
alpha ~ lognormal(0, 5);
for (i in 1:N) {
aspect_weight[i] ~ dirichlet(alpha);
// ...
When trying to fit the model (K = 103, N = 18542), I get the following error:
RuntimeError: Exception: dirichlet_lpmf: probabilities has dimension = 103, expecting dimension = 18542; a function was called with arguments of different scalar, array, vector, or matrix types, and they were not consistently sized; all arguments must be scalars or multidimensional values of the same shape.
To me, this sounds like the line assigning the prior does not reference i-th element of the array, but tries to access the i-th element of the simplex. Or am I missing something here?