Why does the trend derived from ZOIB-model Brms not overlay manual calculated trend?


I never placed a question here, so first time questioner. I have performed a Zero-One-Inflated-Beta regression with logit link in R. The conditional effects can be extracted which is useful for plotting given it returns the intervals. Yet, when I calculate backwards from the values returned to the expected value (ZOIB and B [without ZOI]) and compare this with the expected values the Brms function conditional_effects returns, the trend lines do not match. Also, these manual derived values match much better with the data, Iā€™ve been scratching my head for a few days now. And, if I am correct then the expected value should be:


The question is why donā€™t the expected values match, where do I go awry?

Thank you in advance

P.S. Duplicated question from https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_does_the_trend_derived_from_ZOIB-model_Brms_not_overlay_manual_calculated_trend

P.P.S. Visualizing conditional effects plot for e.g. zi parameter - #2 by paul.buerkner

brack_frac_mod.RData (2.7 MB)
brack_frac.RData (9.7 KB)

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Could you be more specific about what are you doing exactly here? I am not familiar with the brms output format, but does this mean you are using the expected values of individual parameters to compute the trend you describe? (If yes, this will usually be a a meaningless output, since the mean values for all parameters are most likely not a sample in the chain and may have very low likelihood).

How did you assess what a ā€œbetter matchā€ is, did you compute the log posterior for the two outputs? While that would be the objective way of comparing the outputs for different sets of parameters, itā€™s also worth noting that the mean or median expected value donā€™t need to have higher likelihood than all other samples (though the MAP does).

So in principle there need not be something going awry for you to observe what you describe.

Dear @caesoma,

I am sorry my question is unclear. I assessed the fit through the data by eyeballing the scatterplot. I know there are less ā€œsubjectiveā€ ways, but I do not consider this of the utmost relevance in this case, considering using a single DV. Additionally, if I use the posterior draws to construct predictions (image hypothetical outcome plots [red]). The expected value and its variability lie more centered through the points. Fitting a quasibinomial shows a ā€œbetterā€ fit [blue]. The question, why does conditional_effects()[green] not follow the manual derived values [red]. Should this not follow:

I think there are two issues here (note that I donā€™t have much experience with ZOIB models, but I think my assumptions are plausible):

First, conditional_effects() with dpar = NULL evaluates to zoi * coi + mu * (1 - zoi) in brms:::posterior_epred_zero_one_inflated_beta():

E(y|x) = \alpha\gamma + \mu (1-\alpha)

This suggests that your formula for y1 is not correct and this explains the discrepancy.

What you manually compute (with y2) is mu. Your y2 and y3 have (nearly) identical values when you use conditional_effects() with dpar = "mu":

y3 <- brms::conditional_effects(brack_frac_mod, dpar = "mu")
y2 <- exp(-5.19+0.66*x)/(1+exp(-5.19+0.66*x))

plot(brack_frac$value, brack_frac$Brackish, xlab="x", ylab="y", pch=19,xlim=c(2,10))
lines(x, y1, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y3$value$value, y3$value$estimate__, col="blue", lwd=2)

This means that conditional_effects() with dpar = NULL will not give only the Beta regression part, but will consider also the estimated probability for zero and one values for the response variable. I tihnk the fact why this does not produce a good fit with the data is related to the second issue:

Second, your ZOIB model assumes a constant probability for zero and non-zero values across all values for variable value (the predictor). However, your plot shows that this is not the case (i.e. there are much more values brackish=1 for high values of value and conversely more values brackish=0 for high values of value).

This is why conditional_effects() with dpar = NULL will produce much lower predicted values for brackish (y) for high values of value (x): The model assumes that there is a constant fraction of zero values. The same is true for one values.

Since there are much more zero values in the data than one values, this is visible mainly as an underestimation of brackish for large values of value. However, (as your plot show), the model also overestimates brackish slightly for low values of value.

I think that the confusion gets resolved when you model the zoi and coi parameters appropriately (e.g. with variable value).


As I mentioned Iā€™m not a brms user, so itā€™s not clear to me what things like conditional_effects() are supposed to do. As also not an R user, I cannot really see what predictors are included. In any case, I believe the fit of the non-inflated (blue) binomial model is besides the point here, and the focus is really on obtaining the same result regardless of the tool to compute it.

@henningte seems to have a better assessment of the actual code and potential issues when coding what your expected.

@henningte Thank you! This makes sense, very well spotted! Now only adjusting for the zoi and coi parameters to improve the fit. Although, you have not much experience with ZOIB models, and this might be a long shot, do you have any sources for ZOIB models at the level of ā€œOrdinal Regression Models in Psychology: A Tutorialā€ (BĆ¼rkner & Vuorre, 2019)?

Although, you have not much experience with ZOIB models, and this might be a long shot, do you have any sources for ZOIB models at the level of ā€œOrdinal Regression Models in Psychology: A Tutorialā€ (BĆ¼rkner & Vuorre, 2019)?

@snwikaij Sorry, I donā€™t have an overview on what good tutorials would be.

However, I did a quick search and found this preprint (Bendixen et al. 2022: " Cognitive and cultural models in psychological science: A tutorial on modeling free-list data as a dependent variable in Bayesian regression") which shows how to compute ZOIB models with ā€˜brmsā€™. Itā€™s not my discipline and I have never worked with the tutorial, but on the first glance it looked quite promising. So itā€™s just a suggestion.

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Dear Wim,

Many thanks for sharing your code, which I tested and here is what I found.

What I noticed are three things in your code: 1. you did not explicitly model phi, zoi and coi, which makes it difficult to understand what brms is doing and 2. therefore, you did not model these parameters conditional on x. and 3. Resulting from 2., you have a misconception (in my opinion) how to interpret zoi and coi.

Therefore, my first step was to explicitly model the parameters:

bf(y ~ x,
phi ~ 1,
zoi ~ 1,
coi ~ 1)

If you do it this way, your initial model and this model should be exactly the same, but the results looked different at first glance. But, what I missed at first and you probably, too, is that brms estimated phi, zoi and coi with an identity link and NOT with a log or logit link respectively. These links are only used, if you model it as I did above (and then you get the information as ā€œInterceptā€). Therefore, to plot the results, there is no need to use the plogis function to backtransform it into probabilities, since they are already on that scale.

Of course, this is necessary, if you parametrize it as I did. But here I noticed your misconception about zoi and coi. If they are not dependent on the covariates (here x), they are simply scalars and describe the properties of the sample, namely zoi ā†’ how many 0 and 1 are in the sample, and coi ā†’ how many are 1s from these proportion. In your simulated data, you hat 10% 0s, 10% 1s, i.e. a total of 20% with a ratio of 0.5. And brms does exactly reproduce this result, zoi = 0.2 and coi = 0.5. Perfect! If you transform the results from my model you will get zoi = plogis(zoi_Intercept) = plogis(-1.37) = 0.2026198 and get coi = plogis(coi_Intercept) = plogis(0.001447584) = 0.5003619. Great!!!

Now, since they are not dependent on x, there is no need to multiply these scalars with x values, to get a ā€œpredictionā€. Therefore, you just have to put them into your formula: yl ā† zoicoi+y_mu(1-zoi). If you do this, your results perfectly resemble the conditional_effects either for mu or without parameter specification. The same is true for my model, if I use the plogis function first.

Lastly, as stated above, it does make sense to model phi, zoi and coi dependent on the covariate x. You will find my code in the script. You can see that the posterior predictive check and the loo indicate that this fits much better (and also that model 1 and 2 are identical). Now, since the parameters ARE dependent on x, it makes sense to plot them accordingly. Again, the manual model as well as the brms prediction fit perfectly.

I hope this helps!