What does the propto template argument do?

I’m looking at some lpdf functions in the stan math library and there is a template type <bool propto, ...> which isn’t described in the doxygen documentation. It seems required since at compilations, lpdf functions are called using the argument


so I’m guessing the false is the propto argument here, which gets used in include_summand – not sure what this does.

If my memory is correct it was related to dropping all constants (edit). Not dropping was the default, <false>. propto is from proportional to, I guess?

That is correct.

The sampling statement (tilde form) or the use of the _lupdf suffix will use propto=true, while target += …_lpdf will use propto=false.

Ok, this makes sense. I guess this is a recent addition? I didn’t need it in previous lpdf and lpmf functions I implemented, though I agree this feature makes sense.

@rok_cesnovar Are we dropping all constants (including \log (\sqrt{(2 \pi)} for normal for instance) or only the constants resulting from constrained to unconstrainted transformation? If the former is correct, which I am leaning towards, I would have to edit my first post.

This has been a part of Stan Math as long as I can remember and is also mentioned in the Stan Math paper so I would guess it was there from the start. If a lpdf/lpmf function does not use the propto argument, it would just be ignored I guess.

Quickly grepping through the lpdf/lpmf function I cant find any without the propto bool.

All constants. See this line: https://github.com/stan-dev/math/blob/002590e0f44687da57daf6cdddd605f774270aee/stan/math/prim/prob/normal_lpdf.hpp#L84

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Lol. My bad then