I think I found the reason for the seemingly diverging inference when I compute bayes factors from the two models. It is the prior for the effect of interest that if kept constant can produces different outcomes for the two models. For example
priors_ = c(
set_prior('normal(log(.4), 0.05)', class='b', coef='Intercept'),
set_prior('normal(0, 0.05)', class='b', coef='MotionCongruencyincongruent'),
set_prior('normal(.3, 0.15)', class='sigma'),
set_prior('normal(0.3, .2)', class='sd')
mf_ <- bf(
RT ~ 0 + Intercept + MotionCongruency + (MotionCongruency || Run)#, sigma ~ MotionCongruency + (MotionCongruency | Run)
hyp_string <- 'MotionCongruencyincongruent = 0'
brms_mm = brm(
data = rt_dat,
prior = priors_,
sample_prior = TRUE,
family = shifted_lognormal(link = "identity"),
save_pars = save_pars(all=TRUE),
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9, max_treedepth = 15))
preduces a BF_{01} = 0.44
while the same prios, just scaled to ms, in the exgaussian model:
mf_ <- bf(
RT ~ 0 + Intercept + MotionCongruency + (MotionCongruency || Run)
priors_ = c(
set_prior('normal(400, 50)', class='b', coef='Intercept'),
set_prior('normal(0, 50)', class='b', coef='MotionCongruencyincongruent'),
set_prior('normal(300, 150)', class='sigma'),
set_prior('normal(300, 200)', class='sd')
hyp_string <- 'MotionCongruencyincongruent = 0'
rt_dat_ms <- rt_dat
rt_dat_ms$RT <- rt_dat_ms$RT * 1000
brms_mm = brm(
data = rt_dat_ms,
prior = priors_,
sample_prior = TRUE,
family = exgaussian(link = "identity"),
save_pars = save_pars(all=TRUE),
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9, max_treedepth = 15)
preduces a BF_{01} = 5.58.
Both versions, I think, are reasonable regarding my expectations, or do I miss something?
It seems that for both models I can adjust the prior so that it mimics the respective other model. For example setting the prior of the shifted_lognormal model to set_prior('normal(0, 1.5)', class='b', coef='MotionCongruencyincongruent')
yields BF_{01} = 7.58 (however, then the prior predicitions are far off again).
Do I missinterpret the sigma values of the priors?