(I would also interested in how to solve this in Stan, particularly if there is a good example available but ideally I want to do this with brms
I am working on something where a continuous response is related to a continuous predictor across different locations. I do not want to pool information across locations but I do want to let the intercept vary across blocks (sub-groups) within locations. However one location does not have sub-groups. If I was modelling this for each location separately, I would do something like y ~ 1 + x + (1|b)
and drop the varying intercept term for the location without subgroups. But when modelling them together, location B gets varying intercepts across a single level of b
, which inflates uncertainty.
(I was also surprised to see that y ~ 1 + x + (1|b)
and y ~ 1 + x
yield different estimates, at least in terms of uncertainty, when modelling that location alone but that’s probably just me not fully understanding what varying intercepts does under the hood; I was thinking of it as averaging over the levels of the group predictor, with partial pooling, which in this case would be like averaging over one)
Anyway, is there a way to “switch off” varying intercepts for those levels of a higher level predictor that do not have sub-groups?
d = data.frame(x = rnorm(500),
z = rep(letters[1:5], each = 100),
b = rep(c("1","2"), 50)) %>%
mutate(b = str_c(z, b))
d$y = 5 + 3*d$x + rnorm(500)
m = brm(
y ~ 1 + x*z + (1|gr(b, by = z))
backend = "cmdstanr",
chains = 4,
iter = 4000,
warmup = 2000,
cores = 4,
seed = 42,
data = d %>% filter(!(z == "b" & b == "b2"))
conditional_effects(m, effects ="x:z") %>%
plot() %>%
.[[1]] +