Dear all,
Relationships between some of the continuous predictors and the binary outcome in my data are known (or suspected) to be nonlinear. So far, I have been using restricted cubic splines (function rcs() from the ‘rms’ package), natural splines (function ns() from ‘splines’), or other spline or polynomial functions to relax the linearity assumption and allow consideration of possible nonlinear shapes of these relationships.
When using rstanarm’s function stan_glm(), models including rcs() spline terms seem to work well (regardless of whether I specify exact knot positions or just the number of knots). So, for instance, models specified as follows seem to run okay:
model ← stan_glm(outcome ~ sex + age + rcs(age, 4) + … rcs(speed, 4), data = data, family = binomial(link = “logit”), prior = hs_prior, seed = 12345)
model ← stan_glm(outcome ~ sex + age + rcs(age, c(5, 10, 15, 20)) + … rcs(speed, c(5, 10, 15, 20)), data = data, family = binomial(link = “logit”), prior = hs_prior, seed = 12345)
However, when I subsequently try to perform projection predictive variable selection using the varsel() and cv_varsel() functions, I receive the following error message, and the variable selection does not run.
model_varsel ← varsel(model)
Error in out$smooth.spec[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
model_cv_varsel ← cv_varsel(model, method = ‘forward’, cv_method = ‘LOO’, nloo = n)
Error in out$smooth.spec[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
Please, what does this error message mean? And most importantly, please, is there any way I can make varsel()/cv_varsel() work with models specified as above?
I use R version 4.1.0 on macOS Catalina 10.15.7. Package versions (possibly relevant to my enquiry): bayesplot (1.8.0); brms (2.15.0); Hmisc (4.5-0); loo (2.4.1); projpred (2.0.2); rms (6.2-0); rstan (2.21.2); rstanarm (2.21.2); rstantools (2.1.1); StanHeaders (2.21.0-7).
Thank you very much for your advice.
Best wishes,