fit3 <- brm(SCORE ~ ., data = df, family = cumulative())
SCORE is an ordered factor with 4 levels, nrow(df) ≈ 100, ncol(df) ≈ 30 (and represents the total number of variables from which I would like to extract the most influential ones.
Not yet, but we are actively working on extending projpred in various directions and hopefully we will eventually have a solution for ordinal models as well.
I tag @jpiironen because I am still very interested in the evolution of this feature. I see in github that there is buzz around supporting HM. There are plan to support cumulative likelyhood and Robust Regression with student-t likelihood?
@jpiironen has moved to a company and doesn’t have much time for developing projpred and most of the code development is now made by @AlejandroCatalina and @paul.buerkner, and right now your best hope for these specific features is to ask @paul.buerkner and me :)
thanks @avehtari and @jpiironen for clarifying! I hadn’t noticed the “handover” in the development. What I can say is that Stan, LOOCV, and projection predictive feature selection (projpred) made the difference (for the better) in my work.
So, @jpiironen, @avehtari and @paul.buerkner, thank you all for all the work done, and please keep on rocking!
I will be very happy to share my findings, as soon as I will have “edible” results.
At the moment I am involved in two investigations: one is related to variable selection in observational studies, the other is long term (and I still have problems in understanding how to formalize it) is GP with non-gaussian outcomes. As usual, when I will have a solution - I will post my findings like in this case