Following code I used for control model
# mean-centralize: sales, numeric base_vars
df_ctrl, sc_ctrl = mean_center_trandform(df, ['sales']+me_cols+st_cols+mrkdn_cols)
df_ctrl = pd.concat([df_ctrl, df[hldy_cols+seas_cols]], axis=1)
# variables positively related to sales: macro economy, store count, markdown, holiday
pos_vars = [col for col in base_vars if col not in seas_cols]
X1 = df_ctrl[pos_vars].values
# variables may have either positive or negtive impact on sales: seasonality
pn_vars = seas_cols
X2 = df_ctrl[pn_vars].values
ctrl_data = {
'N': len(df_ctrl),
'K1': len(pos_vars),
'K2': len(pn_vars),
'X1': X1,
'X2': X2,
'y': df_ctrl['sales'].values,
'max_intercept': min(df_ctrl['sales'])
ctrl_code1 = '''
data {
int N; // number of observations
int K1; // number of positive predictors
int K2; // number of positive/negative predictors
real max_intercept; // restrict the intercept to be less than the minimum y
matrix[N, K1] X1;
matrix[N, K2] X2;
vector[N] y;
parameters {
vector<lower=0>[K1] beta1; // regression coefficients for X1 (positive)
vector[K2] beta2; // regression coefficients for X2
real<lower=0, upper=max_intercept> alpha; // intercept
real<lower=0> noise_var; // residual variance
model {
// Define the priors
beta1 ~ normal(0, 1);
beta2 ~ normal(0, 1);
noise_var ~ inv_gamma(0.05, 0.05 * 0.01);
// The likelihood
y ~ normal(X1*beta1 + X2*beta2 + alpha, sqrt(noise_var));
sm1 = pystan.StanModel(model_code=ctrl_code1, verbose=True)
fit1 = sm1.sampling(data=ctrl_data, iter=2000, chains=4)
fit1_result = fit1.extract()
The error I am getting is
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\Users\703310~1\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_8672/ in <module>
49 '''
---> 51 sm1 = pystan.StanModel(model_code=ctrl_code1, verbose=True)
52 fit1 = sm1.sampling(data=ctrl_data, iter=2000, chains=4)
53 fit1_result = fit1.extract()
~\anaconda\lib\site-packages\pystan\ in __init__(self, file, charset, model_name, model_code, stanc_ret, include_paths, boost_lib, eigen_lib, verbose, obfuscate_model_name, extra_compile_args, allow_undefined, include_dirs, includes)
382 os.dup2(orig_stderr, sys.stderr.fileno())
--> 384 self.module = load_module(self.module_name, lib_dir)
385 self.module_filename = os.path.basename(self.module.__file__)
386 # once the module is in memory, we no longer need the file on disk
~\anaconda\lib\site-packages\pystan\ in load_module(module_name, module_path)
48 pyximport.install()
49 sys.path.append(module_path)
---> 50 return __import__(module_name)
51 else:
52 import imp
C:\Users\703310~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pystan_wq8ht9o8\stanfit4anon_model_548939bc33801f8115bc26206558c913_4645238327189794297.pyx in init stanfit4anon_model_548939bc33801f8115bc26206558c913_4645238327189794297()
ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96 from C header, got 88 from PyObject
I got this error for the example dataset which is provided with the pystan code.
any suggestions will be appreciated.