Using nested parallelization with Rstan?

Hello everyone,

I am trying to run a simulation-based calibration and my goal is then to loop in parallel over many simulated data sets and fit the same model.

I can easily achieve this if I fit sample only from one chain ore if they are sampled sequentially with the same core. For example:

fits <- mclapply(1:N_data_sets, 
  sampling(object = stan_model,
  data = data_set[[x]], 
  cores = 1, 
  chains = 1), 
  mc.cores = 4)

However, I would like to have a sort of nested parallelization. For example, if I have 4 cores, I want two groups of 2 cores, where in each group I sample two chains in parallel for 2 different data sets. Something like this:

fits <- mclapply(1:N_data_sets, 
  sampling(object = stan_model,
  data = data_set[[x]], 
  cores = 2, 
  chains = 2), 
  mc.cores = 4)

The problem is that, with this type of code, I can only sample each data set sequentially, with two chains in parallel, instead of the 2 data sets with 2 parallel chains. I also get this warning:

5: In socketConnection(master, port = port, blocking = TRUE, open = "a+b",  :
  localhost:11449 cannot be opened

My question is if this is possible at all with Rstan, or only with cmdStan?

Btw, I am using Ubuntu 18.04.

Many thanks for your help.

Could you try setting mc.cores to 2 instead of 4?

Another possibility is to run two one-chain runs for each dataset, then combine them with sflist2stanfit.

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Your computer is not letting you use sockets for some unknown reason. It may work if you run it from a shell rather than RStudio.

Thank you for your response.

If I do this, I get the same error, and chains will sampled sequentially.

Yes, maybe this is easiest way, to parallelize everything and then combine the chains using sflist2stanfit.

Thank you for your response.

Running the script from the shell seemed to work without any errors.

Do you have any idea why it does not work on RStudio?

Something is preventing you from running a R process in the background. Permissions maybe? Or maybe your computer is just locked down for a corporate environment.