Hello everyone,
I am trying to run a simulation-based calibration and my goal is then to loop in parallel over many simulated data sets and fit the same model.
I can easily achieve this if I fit sample only from one chain ore if they are sampled sequentially with the same core. For example:
fits <- mclapply(1:N_data_sets,
sampling(object = stan_model,
data = data_set[[x]],
cores = 1,
chains = 1),
mc.cores = 4)
However, I would like to have a sort of nested parallelization. For example, if I have 4 cores, I want two groups of 2 cores, where in each group I sample two chains in parallel for 2 different data sets. Something like this:
fits <- mclapply(1:N_data_sets,
sampling(object = stan_model,
data = data_set[[x]],
cores = 2,
chains = 2),
mc.cores = 4)
The problem is that, with this type of code, I can only sample each data set sequentially, with two chains in parallel, instead of the 2 data sets with 2 parallel chains. I also get this warning:
5: In socketConnection(master, port = port, blocking = TRUE, open = "a+b", :
localhost:11449 cannot be opened
My question is if this is possible at all with Rstan, or only with cmdStan?
Btw, I am using Ubuntu 18.04.
Many thanks for your help.