I’m trying to fit data that represents the difference between latent random variable that are gamma distributed (with the same rate). I’m obviously not succeeding.
I generate my data like this in r. Basically I want to fit Y
, assuming I know alpha2
, and beta
rgammadiff <- function(N, alpha1=1, alpha2=1, beta=1){
rgamma(N, alpha1, beta= beta) - rgamma(N, alpha2, beta = beta)
N <- 10
alpha1 <- 500
alpha2 <- 10
beta <- 1
Y<- rgammadifft(N = N, alpha1, alpha2, beta)
I’m following equation (4) from Klar (2014), where the density at z is:
f(z) = c \cdot e^{\beta z} \int_z^\infty x^{\alpha_1-1} (x-z)^{\alpha_2-1} e^{-2\beta x} dx if z >0
where c = \beta^{\alpha_1+\alpha_2}/ (\Gamma(\alpha_1) \Gamma(\alpha2))
I’m ignoring z<0 because in my real data, z is always positive (I guess I need to fit a truncated difference of gammas eventually, but I’m postponing that problem).
And my code in stan is as follows:
functions {
real pos(real x, // Function argument
real xc, // Complement of function argument
real[] theta, // parameters
real[] x_r, // data (real)
int[] x_i) { // data (integer)
real alpha1 = theta[1];
real alpha2 = theta[2];
real beta = theta[3];
real z = x_r[1];
return x^(alpha1 - 1) * (x - z)^(alpha2 - 1)*exp(-2 * beta * x);
real gammadifft_lpdf(data real y, real alpha1, real alpha2, real beta) {
int x_i[0];
real logc = log(beta)*(alpha1 + alpha2) - lgamma(alpha1) - lgamma(alpha2);
real logint = log(integrate_1d(pos,
{alpha1, alpha2, beta},
{y}, x_i));
return logc + beta * y + logint ;
data {
int N;
vector[N] Y;
real alpha2;
real beta;
parameters {
real<lower=0> alpha1;
model {
target += lognormal_lpdf(alpha1 | log(500),1);
for(i in 1:N)
target += gammadifft_lpdf(Y[i] | alpha1, alpha2, beta);
I’m just trying to make it work, so as I said I assume I know everything except alpha1
lsdata <- list(Y=Y, alpha2 = alpha2, beta = beta, N = length(Y) )
cmd <- cmdstan_model("gammadifft_lpdf.stan")
fit_cmd <- cmd$sample(
data = lsdata,
seed = 123,
chains = 1,
cores = 4)
And I get the following error Exception: Error in function boost::math::quadrature::exp_sinh<double>::integrate: The exp_sinh quadrature evaluated your function at a singular point and returned -nan. Please ensure your function evaluates to a finite number over its entire domain. (in '/tmp/RtmpzVP2ah/model-4a7f71da3259.stan', line 13, column 4 to column 57)
(Line 13 is the return of function pos
Is it even possible to do this in Stan? The paper of Klar (2014) also mentions an alternative formula by means of Whittaker’s W function, a confluent hypergeometric function (Olver et al., 2010, 13.14.3). Would it make more sense to use this function (somehow from some library from C++)?
(By the way, the R function dcoga2dim
(package coga
) uses the C++ function gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1
to calculate the convolution of two gammas, but I couldn’t find enough documentation to understand it.)