As you mentioned, you could try the R2D2M2 prior. We have tested the R2D2M2 prior in high dimensional real life settings as you see in our paper here.
Here is a small minimal working example that shows how to set the prior and could help you:
# Read the data
# I am using the popularity dataset, which I found in this brms tutorial
# https://www.rensvandeschoot.com/tutorials/brms-started/
popular2data <- read_sav(file = "https://github.com/MultiLevelAnalysis/Datasets-third-edition-Multilevel-book/blob/master/chapter%202/popularity/SPSS/popular2.sav?raw=true")
popular2data <- dplyr::select(popular2data, pupil, class, extrav, sex, texp, popular)
# Specifiy the R2D2 prior
bprior <- prior(R2D2(mean_R2= 0.5, prec_R2=1 ,cons_D2 = 2, main = TRUE), class = sd) +
prior(R2D2(), class = b)
# Model with varying slopes
fit1 <- brm(popular ~ 1 + sex + extrav + texp + (1 + extrav | class),
data = popular2data,
prior = bprior,
warmup = 1000,
iter = 2000,
cores = 4,
chains = 4,
seed = 123)