Using bernoulli_logit_lpmf to obtain deviance and waic

I am attempting to learn Bayesian logistic regression using rstan. I am ok with the procedure for binomial logistic regression and how to calculate waic, but am having more trouble with the bernoulli equivalent.

As an example here is a dataset supplied with the rethinking package, testing prosocial behaviour in chimpanzees. The model I am fitting is very simple, with a binary outcome variable indicating whether the chimpanzee pulled the left lever (variable pulled_left; 0 for right lever, 1 for left) as a function of an intercept a and a single predictor bp which represents the increase in log-odds of choosing the left lever when it is the prosocial option (indicated by binary variable prosoc_left, where 0 indictes the right lever is the prosocial option and 1 indicates the left is the prosocial option).

Here is the code to run the binomial logit model

d <- chimpanzees

# data
stanData <- list(N = nrow(d),
                 pulled_left = d$pulled_left,
                 prosoc_left = d$prosoc_left)

# model string
ms <- "
data {
  int <lower=1> N;
  int pulled_left[N];
  int prosoc_left[N];

   real a;
   real bp;

  vector[N] p;
  bp ~ normal(0, 10);
  a ~ normal(0, 10);
  for (i in 1:N) {
     p[i] = a + bp*prosoc_left[i];
  pulled_left ~ binomial_logit(1, p);

generated quantities{

  // outcome vectors
  vector[N] p;
  vector[N] log_lik;
  // deviance
  real dev;
  dev = 0;
  for (i in 1:N) {
    p[i] = a + bp*prosoc_left[i];
  dev = dev + (-2)*binomial_logit_lpmf(pulled_left | 1, p);
  // log likelihood for waic
  for (n in 1:N) {
    log_lik[n] = binomial_logit_lpmf( pulled_left[n] | 1 , p[n] );

sMod <- stan(model_code = ms,
             data = stanData,
             warmup = 1e3,
             iter = 2e3,
             cores = 1,
             chains = 1, 
             seed = 659)

This is the output, with mean and 89% HPDI for each parameter and the deviance.

# deviance and parameter estimates with an 89% HPDI
print(sMod, pars = c("a", "bp", "dev"), probs = c(0.055, 0.945))

Inference for Stan model: d0a3dd9d0aa61e78bdc2aa6f9413d841.
1 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=1000.

      mean se_mean   sd   5.5%  94.5% n_eff Rhat
a     0.05    0.01 0.13  -0.15   0.25   305 1.00
bp    0.55    0.01 0.19   0.26   0.86   353 1.00
dev 678.53    0.10 2.08 676.61 682.79   399 1.01

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Jan 23 09:01:28 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

And here is the code for calculating the waic for this model

log_lik <- loo::extract_log_lik(sMod, parameter_name = "log_lik")

Computed from 1000 by 504 log-likelihood matrix

          Estimate  SE
elpd_waic   -340.3 4.7
p_waic         2.0 0.0
waic         680.6 9.4

Now I can run this as a bernoulli model.

# model string for bernoulli logit regression
ms_bern <- "
data {
  int <lower=1> N;
  int pulled_left[N];
  int prosoc_left[N];

   real a;
   real bp;

  vector[N] p;
  bp ~ normal(0, 10);
  a ~ normal(0, 10);
  for (i in 1:N) {
    pulled_left[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(a + bp*prosoc_left[i]);

sMod_bern <- stan(model_code = ms_bern,
             data = stanData,
             warmup = 1e3,
             iter = 2e3,
             cores = 1,
             chains = 1, 
             seed = 659)

# get deviance and parameter estimates with an 89% HPDI
print(sMod_bern, pars = c("a", "bp"), probs = c(0.055, 0.945))

Inference for Stan model: f0b1bc884dd871b780d24998a8a1eeee.
1 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=1000.

   mean se_mean   sd  5.5% 94.5% n_eff Rhat
a  0.05    0.01 0.12 -0.13  0.25   391    1
bp 0.56    0.01 0.18  0.27  0.85   434    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Thu Jan 23 09:14:50 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

The mean and HPDI for the parameter estimates is very similar to the binomial logit model, which is heartening.

However, what I would like to do is obtain deviance and log-likelihood from this bernoulli logit model, similar to the binomial logit model.

But, when I add the following code to the model to calculate the log-likelihood…

generated quantities{
  vector[N] log_lik;
  // log likelihood for waic
  for (n in 1:N) {
    log_lik[n] = bernoulli_logit_lpmf( pulled_left[n] | a, prosoc_left[n] );

…I get the following error message

No matches for: 

  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int, real, int)

Available argument signatures for bernoulli_logit_lpmf:

  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int, real)
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int, real[ ])
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int, vector)
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int, row_vector)
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int[ ], real)
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int[ ], real[ ])
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int[ ], vector)
  bernoulli_logit_lpmf(int[ ], row_vector)

 error in 'modela122d39bc53_e21074c1ee7391593c1d57619e5e61b2' at line 30, column 75
    28:   // log likelihood for waic
    29:   for (n in 1:N) {
    30:     log_lik[n] = bernoulli_logit_lpmf( pulled_left[n] | a, prosoc_left[n] );
    31:   }

Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name,  : 
  failed to parse Stan model 'e21074c1ee7391593c1d57619e5e61b2' due to the above error.

And I have even less of an idea how to get the deviance from this model.

Can anyone help me out?

This should be

log_lik[n] = bernoulli_logit_lpmf( pulled_left[n] | a + bp * prosoc_left[n] );

Thank you @stijn, I feel a little silly now.

Any idea how to calculate the deviance? The formula I used for the deviance above came from a function that converts models from McElreath’s rethinking package into stancode, and I gather it calculates the deviance automatically. But I am having trouble adapting it to the bernoulli logit.

Isn’t the deviance always defined as -2 * loglikelihood?


Yes @mcol but I am used to calculating deviance from a single number in R. Here there is one chain of 1000 log-likelihood estimates for each data point. I can’t really understand McElreath’s code for obtaining the deviance in the binomial logit, which makes it hard for me to apply the same logic to the Bernoulli.

Based on this comment, I would say you calculate 1000 deviances for each and then you can quantify the distribution of the 1000 deviances. The loo output also has an estimate and a s.e. for the waic for instance.

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Yes, what @stijn suggested is the correct approach.

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To be a bit more explicit, what you want is to calculate the deviance in the generated quantities block:

generated quantities {
  real dev;

  ...log_lik calcs here...

  dev = -2 * sum(log_lik);

Then you can summarise the dev parameter to get the mean deviance and credibility intervals, which is what the rethinking package would report


Thank you @andrjohns I feel a fair bit slower than everyone on these boards so it’s nice to get some explicit instructions.

If you don’t get the explicit instructions, please feel free to ask. Sometimes, I quickly try to answer a question on my phone and I don’t have the patience to add the code. But I am happy to provide it when you ask for it.


Totally fair enough @stijn. I’m grateful for any help really, explicit or otherwise.

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