Unrecoverable error when replicating existing Stan based model


I am replicating the variable duration hidden Markov model (VDHMM) introduced in the following study Naumzik, C., Feuerriegel, S., & Weinmann, M. (2022). I will survive: Predicting business failures from customer ratings. Marketing Science, 41(1), 188-207. The entire pipeline to replicate the model presented in the paper is available for download on the journal’s website in supplemental materials. When I am running the training code from the file called 2_train_stan_models.R, the model starts training but then results in an unrecoverable error after running the first out of four chains:

Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 65.298 seconds (Warm-up)
Chain 1:                33.297 seconds (Sampling)
Chain 1:                98.595 seconds (Total)
Chain 1: 

Chain 1: Unrecoverable error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: vector[min_max] min indexing: accessing element out of range. index 2 out of range; expecting index to be between 1 and 1 (in 'vdhmm', line 181, column 6 to column 45)
 [1] "Error : Exception: vector[min_max] min indexing: accessing element out of range. index 2 out of range; expecting index to be between 1 and 1 (in 'vdhmm', line 181, column 6 to column 45)"

I have spent considerable time trying to debug the problem, however, was not able to find a solution. The error references a vdhmm model that is provided in the vdhmm.stan file and line 181 is part of a bigger loop reading:

      l_tpm[s,(s+1):S] = log(tpm[s,s:(S-1)]); // S number of states

I would appreciate any feedback that would help me resolve the issue. Given that it is a published study, I tend to think the provided replication pipeline is correct and should run, and yet it’s giving an error.

tpm is declared as S-long array of simplex[S-1] . Little s loops from 1 to S.
So in iteration S, the expression tpm[s,s:(S-1)] will first take the last element of the array, which is a length S-1 vector, and then try to take a slice starting at index S, which is out of bounds.

You can see this by adding this print statement right above line 181:

      print("S= ",S,", s= ",s , ", size(tpm)= ", size(tpm), " by ", size(tpm[1]));

Right before the error, it will have printed

S= 2, s= 2, size(tpm)= 2 by 1

Now, why didn’t the original study run into this? Most likely it has to do with them using an older Stan version (the readme in the download says 2.19). We have improved Stan’s ability to catch out-of-bounds reads and writes like this over time. Before it may have “worked” on some machines, crashed on others, etc.

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Brian, I appreciate your feedback and it does make sense. Trying to run the code on the older Stan version was my last resort and that’s what I am going to try. Thank you!

@WardBrian Brian, I have set up the libraries in a way identical to readme file description. The model first ran without the aforementioned error (quite quickly), and then went into a second considerably longer cycle that resulted in Chain 1: Iteration: 60 / 1000 [ 6%] (Warmup) "Selection": I tried re-starting the process and it crashed my server running overnight. Given this, what would be your recommendation to mover forward with running the proposed VDHMM model? Is my understanding correct that to make it work on newer Stan version the vdhmm.stan requires considerably update of the code?

Using an older version of Stan at best hides the issue - the code is still doing something illegal in trying to access memory with a bound that is too big.

I am not really able to estimate how difficult it would be to update the code. It’s possible that just changing the bound on the for loop would fix this, but I would need to be much more familiar with the model before saying for certain whether this would have other, unwanted, effects

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@WardBrian Thank you for reply. Would it help if I include the content of vdhmm.stan as used by authors of the article?

  //Calculates the transition probability matrix given the duration d in state s_from and time difference between observations t
  //The diagonal element is simply log(inv_logit(intercept+d*lambda+gamma*t))
  real calc_tpm(int s_from, int s_to, vector intercept, real d, real lambda,real t,real gamma, real senti, real epsilon ,vector[] l_tpm){
    real diag;
    diag =  - log1p_exp(-(intercept[s_from] + lambda * d + gamma * t + senti * epsilon));
    if(s_from == s_to){
      return diag;
      return l_tpm[s_from,s_to] + log1m_exp(diag);
  vector get_duration(int C, row_vector Q, int[] Rating, real[] Days, real[] Sentiment, int T , 
  int S , vector l_pi , vector[] l_tpm , vector[] emission, vector intercept, 
  real lambda, real gamma, real epsilon, 
  real omega_0, vector omega_tilde, vector omega_state){
    vector[S] forw[T];
    vector[S] duration[T];
    vector[S] temp_tpm[S];
    vector[T] c;
    vector[S] weighted_days;
    vector[S] logit_duration;
    for(s in 1:S){
      forw[1,s] = l_pi[s] + emission[s,Rating[1]];
      duration[1,s] = 0.0;
      weighted_days[s] = 0.0;
    c[1] = -log_sum_exp(forw[1]);
    forw[1] += c[1];
    for(t in 2:T){
      for(s in 1:S){
        vector[S] acc; 
        for(s_from in 1:S){
          temp_tpm[s_from,s] = calc_tpm(s_from, s, 
                                        epsilon , 
          acc[s_from] = forw[t-1,s_from] + temp_tpm[s_from,s];
        forw[t,s] = log_sum_exp(acc) + emission[s,Rating[t]];
      c[t] = -log_sum_exp(forw[t]);
      forw[t] += c[t];
      for(s in 1:S){
        real dur_temp = duration[t-1,s];
        real day_temp = weighted_days[s];
        duration[t,s] = log1p_exp(dur_temp + c[t] + 
                                  emission[s,Rating[t]] + temp_tpm[s,s] + forw[t-1,s] - forw[t,s]);
        weighted_days[s] = log_sum_exp(log(Days[t]-Days[t-1]), day_temp + c[t] + 
                                            emission[s,Rating[t]] + 
                                            temp_tpm[s,s] + forw[t-1,s] - forw[t,s]);
    logit_duration = duration[T]; 
    return duration[T];
  row_vector compute_ll(int[] Rating, real[] Days, real[] Sentiment, int T , int S , vector l_pi , vector[] l_tpm , vector[] emission, vector intercept, real lambda, real gamma, real epsilon){
    vector[S] forw[T];
    vector[S] duration[T];
    vector[S] temp_tpm[S];
    vector[T] c;
    row_vector[S+1] results;
    for(s in 1:S){
      forw[1,s] = l_pi[s] + emission[s,Rating[1]];
      duration[1,s] = 0.0;
    c[1] = -log_sum_exp(forw[1]);
    forw[1] += c[1];
    for(t in 2:T){
      for(s in 1:S){
        vector[S] acc;
        for(s_from in 1:S){
          temp_tpm[s_from,s] = calc_tpm(s_from,s,intercept,
          acc[s_from] = forw[t-1,s_from] + temp_tpm[s_from,s];
        forw[t,s] = log_sum_exp(acc) + emission[s,Rating[t]];
      c[t] = -log_sum_exp(forw[t]);
      forw[t] += c[t];
      for(s in 1:S){
        real dur_temp = duration[t-1,s];
        duration[t,s] = log1p_exp(dur_temp + c[t] + 
                                  emission[s,Rating[t]] + temp_tpm[s,s] + forw[t-1,s] - forw[t,s]);
    results[S+1] = -sum(c);
    results[1:S] = duration[T]';
    return results;
data {
  int<lower=1> S; // number of states
  int<lower=0> N_total; // total number of restaurants considered
  int<lower=0> N_train; // number of restaurants in the training set N_test == N_total-N_train
  int<lower=1> N_obs; // Total number of reviews
  int<lower=0> nCovs; // Number of covariates
  int<lower=1> Time[N_total];//Number of reviews for each restaurant sum(Time) == N_obs
  int<lower=0,upper=1> Closed[N_total]; //Indicator for each restaurant if closed == 1
  real<lower=0> Days[N_obs]; // number of days since first review of restaurant
  int<lower=1,upper=5> Ratings[N_obs]; //All ratings
  real Sentiment[N_obs];
  matrix[N_train,nCovs] Q; // thinned Q matrix of Covariates for training
  matrix[nCovs,nCovs] R;
  matrix[N_total-N_train,nCovs] X_test; //Covariates for test set
transformed data {
  //prior parameter vectors for states and pain levels
  int pos_obs[N_total];
  vector[S-1] prior_tpm[S];
    for(s in 1:(S)){
      prior_tpm[s] = rep_vector(1,S-1);
    for(m in 1:N_total){
      pos_obs[m] = (m == 1 ? 1 : pos_obs[m-1]+Time[m-1]);
parameters {
  //State sequence
  simplex[S] pi; //initial state distribution for each patien
  simplex[S-1] tpm[S] ;//Transition probability matrix for each patient, time independent
  vector[S] intercept;
  real lambda;
  real gamma;
  real epsilon;
  //State-Obs link
  vector[S-1] state_emission_raw;
  simplex[5] probs;
  vector[S] R2;
  vector[S-1] omega_state_raw;
  real<lower=0> omega_state_mid;
  vector[nCovs] omega_tilde;
  real omega_0;
transformed parameters{
  vector[N_train] log_lik;
  vector[5] emission[S];
  row_vector[S] duration_mean;
  row_vector[S] duration_sd;
  matrix[N_train,S] Duration;
  vector[S] l_pi = log(pi);
  vector[S] l_tpm[S];
  vector[S] omega_state;
    vector[S] state_emission;
    int i = 1;
    for(s in 1:S){
      if(s == 2){
        omega_state[s] = omega_state_mid;
        omega_state[s] = omega_state_raw[i];
        i = i + 1;
    for(s in 1:S){
      real scale = inv_sqrt(1 - inv_logit(R2[s]));
      vector[4] cuts = scale * inv_Phi(cumulative_sum(probs[1:4]));
      state_emission[s] = s == 1 ? 0.0 : state_emission[s-1] + exp(state_emission_raw[s-1]);
      l_tpm[s,s] = negative_infinity();
      l_tpm[s,1:(s-1)] = log(tpm[s,1:(s-1)]);
      l_tpm[s,(s+1):S] = log(tpm[s,s:(S-1)]);
      for(r in 1:5){
        emission[s,r] = ordered_probit_lpmf(r|state_emission[s],cuts);
    for(m in 1:N_train){
      int Rating_vec[Time[m]] = Ratings[(1+sum(Time[1:(m-1)])):(sum(Time[1:m]))];
      real Days_vec[Time[m]] = Days[(1+sum(Time[1:(m-1)])):(sum(Time[1:m]))];
      real Sentiment_vec[Time[m]] = Sentiment[(1+sum(Time[1:(m-1)])):(sum(Time[1:m]))];
      row_vector[S+1] results;
      results =  compute_ll(Rating_vec, Days_vec, Sentiment_vec, Time[m], 
                               S, l_pi, l_tpm, emission, intercept, lambda, gamma, epsilon);
      log_lik[m] = results[S+1];
      Duration[m] = results[1:S];
    for(s in 1:S){
      vector[N_train] temp = Duration[,s];
      duration_mean[s] = mean(temp);
      duration_sd[s] = sd(temp);
      Duration[,s] = (temp - mean(temp))/sd(temp);
model {
  //State sequence-----
  pi ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(1,S));
  intercept ~ normal(0,5);
  lambda ~ std_normal();
  gamma ~ std_normal();
  epsilon ~ std_normal();
  for(s in 1:S){
    tpm[s] ~ dirichlet(prior_tpm[s]);
  //State-Obs link-----
  probs ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(0.1,5));
  state_emission_raw ~ normal(0,5);
  R2 ~ normal(0,5);
  omega_0 ~ normal(0,5);
  omega_tilde ~ std_normal();
  omega_state_raw ~ student_t(7,0,1);
  omega_state_mid ~ std_normal();
  //log prob increasing
  Closed[1:N_train] ~ bernoulli_logit(omega_0 + Q * omega_tilde + Duration * omega_state);
  target += sum(log_lik);
generated quantities{
  vector[N_total] close_prob;
  vector[N_total - N_train] log_lik_test;
  vector[nCovs] omega_cov = R\omega_tilde;
    for(m in 1:N_total){
      int Rating_vec[Time[m]] = Ratings[(1+sum(Time[1:(m-1)])):(sum(Time[1:m]))];
      real Days_vec[Time[m]] = Days[(1+sum(Time[1:(m-1)])):(sum(Time[1:m]))];
      real Sentiment_vec[Time[m]] = Sentiment[(1+sum(Time[1:(m-1)])):(sum(Time[1:m]))];
      row_vector[S+1] results;
      row_vector[S] scaled_duration;
      results =  compute_ll(Rating_vec, Days_vec, Sentiment_vec ,Time[m], 
                               S, l_pi, l_tpm, emission,
                               intercept, lambda, gamma, epsilon);
      scaled_duration = (results[1:S] - duration_mean)./duration_sd;                         
      if(m <= N_train){
        close_prob[m] = inv_logit(omega_0 + Q[m]*omega_tilde + scaled_duration*omega_state);
        close_prob[m] = inv_logit(omega_0 + X_test[m-N_train]*omega_cov + scaled_duration*omega_state);
        log_lik_test[m-N_train] = results[S+1];