I fit a nonlinear robit model in brms
that was set up as follows:
stan_inv_robit <- "
real inv_robit(real y, real nu) {
return(student_t_cdf(y, nu, 0, (nu - 2) / nu));
stanvar_inv_robit <- stanvar(scode = stan_inv_robit, block = "functions")
bf_1 <- bf(Accuracy_rev ~ inv_robit(eta, nu),
nu ~ 1,
b + m ~ 1,
bl + tau ~ 1 + (1|Subset + User + Token),
nlf(eta ~ (tau-((bl + repetition)^.1)*(model_time_z^-(b + m * stability_z)))/.1),
nl = T,
family = bernoulli('identity'))
prior_1 <-
prior(gamma(2, 0.1), nlpar = "nu", lb = 2) +
prior(normal(0, .5), nlpar = 'b') +
prior(normal(0, .5), nlpar = 'm') +
prior(normal(0, .5), nlpar = 'bl') +
prior(normal(0, .5), nlpar = 'tau')
fit_1 <- brm(bf_1,
prior = prior_1,
stanvars = stanvar_inv_robit,
data = filter(dat_prepped, `Train or Test` == 1),
chains = 4)
I can obtain model fits for the data set that produced the parameter estimates, but when I try to get fitted values for a new set of data (i.e., fitted(fit_1, newdata = test, allow_new_levels = T)
I get the following error:
Error: Error in (function (y, nu, pstream__ = <pointer: 0x000000000211ab40>) : Exception: student_t_cdf: Random variable is nan, but must not be nan! (in 'unknown file name' at line 5)
At first I thought my test set might have been returning NA
values of eta
that are passed on to the inv_robit
function, but I was able to calculate non-NA
values for every observation using the estimated parameter values. So I’m not sure what the issue is. Thanks for any advice!