Two equations model with error on data


I am fitting a model with two linear equations with shared parameters:

y1 = P1 + P2f(x1) + P3f(x1,x2) + P4f(x2)
y2 = P3 + P4
f(x1) + P5f(x1,x2) + P6f(x2)

where (y1, y2) are data with error and (x1, x2) are date with no error. I want to determine parameters P.

What is the best method to include the errors in the data and to match the two equations?

Thank you very much

Since you have f(x1,x2), I’ll assume that x1/x2/y1/y2 all have the same number of elements. A not-very-efficient-but-hopefully-pedagogically-illuminating model would be:

  int N ;
  vector[N] y1 ;
  vector[N] y2 ;
  vector[N] fx1 ;
  vector[N] fx2 ;
  vector[N] fx1x2 ;
  vector[6] p ;
  vector<lower=0>[2] y_noise ;
  p ~ ... ; //prior on parameters goes here
  y_noise ~ ... ; //prior on noise magnitude goes here
  y1 ~ normal(
    p[1] + p[2]*fx1 + p[3]*fx1x2 + p[4]*fx2
    , y_noise[1]
  ) ;
  y2 ~ normal(
    p[3] + p[4]*fx1 + p[5]*fx1x2 + p[6]*fx2
    , y_noise[2]
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Thank you very much for your answer.

The problem is that I don’t have the same number of elements. I’ve got ~500 groups of (y1/x1/x2) and other ~500 groups of (y2/x1/x2). Something like:

y1 y2 x1 x2
50 NA 30 60
55 NA 20 70
NA 60 30 60
NA 63 30 60

I know how to determine parameter P by each function (y1 and y2) separately, but I get different values of common Ps. The dispersion is big.

OK, then you mean you have separate x1 & x2 vectors for each of y1 and y2? In that case you would do (changing some nomenclature for clarity:)

  int N_a ;  
  vector[N_a] y_a ;
  vector[N_a] fx1_a ;
  vector[N_a] fx2_a ;
  vector[N_a] fx1x2_a ;
  int N_b ;
  vector[N_b] y_b ;
  vector[N_b] fx1_b ;
  vector[N_b] fx2_b ;
  vector[N_b] fx1x2_b ;
  vector[6] p ;
  vector<lower=0>[2] y_noise ;
  p ~ ... ; //prior on parameters goes here
  y_noise ~ ... ; //prior on noise magnitude goes here
  y_a ~ normal(
    p[1] + p[2]*fx1_a + p[3]*fx1x2_a + p[4]*fx2_a
    , y_noise[1]
  ) ;
  y_b ~ normal(
    p[3] + p[4]*fx1_b + p[5]*fx1x2_b + p[6]*fx2_b
    , y_noise[2]

Yes, you got it. I have separate x1 & x2 vectors for each of y1 and y2, as you say. I think I need some time to understand completely the model (sorry, I’m noob at this stuff), but it sounds nice. I will tell you if it works.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, it’s taking form. But I still have a doubt. The values of the errors of y (what you called y_noise) are data and I want to implement them for the MCMC sampling. So, they shouldn’t be in the parameters, isn’t it? How can I apply it?

Oh, if you know the scale of measurement noise, then you can pass those in as data instead of as parameters, yes.

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I got it. It works perfectly.
Thank you very much!