TWG Definition/Roles. Call for feedback/ideas/refinement

That is an accurate report of my opinion at the time. Since then, I have changed my mind, flip-flopped, reversed course, and now hold the opposite opinion. Specifically, I think we should move to the tech lead role being a “chair” in the Apache sense and viewed as a facilitator for consensus and as a last resort, someone to call for a vote if things can’t be decided by consensus.

The idea is absolutely to seek consensus, and only when that fails seek a vote. And I don’t mean someone saying “I would do it differently,” but more “I am willing to put the work in to do it differently and here’s my counterproposal.” There’s a lot written about this in all that material floating around on open-source decision making.

To take one example, when I objected to the way the stanfit objects are designed and presented a counterproposal, I was not willing to put in the work on PyStan and RStan to code them the way I want. So I have to let that go and let other people build them in ways that to me seem to violate fundamental principles of software design in languages like C++ or Java. Nevertheless, I wanted the chance to express my objection rather than facing a fait accompli.

How can there be a chair if there’s no committee?

I also think this whole plan is complicated with an entire roadmap at varying levels of granularity going up. I’d much rather see this legislated in small, independent pieces. I have to vote on it all or nothing as is, which puts me in a difficult bind if I want to vote my actual opinion and I want the project to not be stalled.

This was the thing that annoyed me the most about being “TWG director”—that there was no notion of what the group was supposed to be. I didn’t want to be running a large committee.

Sure. Could you send me two things so I can get a sense of the level of detail required:

  1. the rules for how the TWG and its director currently operate—the only thing I’ve seen is this post by Breck.

  2. Your proposal for how things should work going forward.

So what did you mean by “rough consensus” when you used it in the roadmap doc (my emphasis)?

Anyway, let me be clear now and say that I do not want to sit in a room and hum and let the chair play decibel meter and decide if we have rough consensus. I would strongly prefer a fixed threshold (1/2 or 2/3 seem to be reasonable thresholds).