Ok, so I’m trying to set max_depth
at the command line with CmdStan. I first try the following:
../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv max_depth=15
This gets me the following error messages:
max_depth=15 is either mistyped or misplaced.
Perhaps you meant one of the following valid configurations?
method=sample sample algorithm=hmc hmc engine=nuts nuts max_depth=<int>
A method must be specified!
Failed to parse arguments, terminating Stan
Ok, that advice seems simple enough, so the command line is now as follows:
../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv method=sample sample algorithm=hmc hmc engine=nuts nuts max_depth=15
Now I get these error messages:
sample is either mistyped or misplaced.
Perhaps you meant one of the following valid configurations?
method=sample sample
Failed to parse arguments, terminating Stan
To say that this is less than helpful is putting it mildly. What am I missing here?
ETA: I figured out how the error messages were lying to me. This works:
../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv method=sample algorithm=hmc engine=nuts max_depth=15
This also works:
../stan_models/rff-fb id=1 data file=curve_data.Rdump output file=output-1.csv sample algorithm=hmc engine=nuts max_depth=15