Please share your Stan program and accompanying data if possible.
Evening all,
I’m trying to obtain a Bayes Factor to describe two models of my data from my thesis, one with one predictor and a second with two predictors. The “Discount” predictor has 3 levels, and the “TP” predictor has two. When I try to run the code however, I get the following error:
Error in bridge_sampler.stanreg(x, silent = TRUE) :
the ‘diagnostic_file’ option must be specified in the call to stan_glm to use the ‘bridge_sampler’
Anyone know how to specify “diagnostic_file” in the stan_glm call? I can’t find instructions anywhere, and including = NULL or =TRUE did not work. Also, I tried writing in =“testfile.csv” and =“testfile2.csv” and that didn’t work either; I get the same error.
Or, if there is any other way to get a Bayes Factor from my models using a different method, that would work just as well.
Discountmodel <- stan_glm(
Accept_Reject ~ Discount,
data = pubdata,
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
prior_intercept = NULL,
chains = 3, iter = 10000)
Discount_TP_model<- update(Discountmodel, formula = Accept_Reject ~ Discount + TP)
ModelsBF=bayesfactor_models(Discountmodel,Discount_TP_model,denominator = 1,verbose = TRUE)
Thanks! The first model seemed to work fine; I copied the exact output you had for diagnostic_file and used the example’s bridge1<-bridge_sampler(fit_1) line, and that totally worked.
When I tried to duplicate this for the second model however I’m getting another error: ‘weights’ must be a numeric vector.
I did actually, because the update function was giving me the same error as before. The code below is what I just used…the first model works perfectly, but the second model gives me the ‘weights’ error. Oddly enough it works when I delete the second predictor. But when I put TP back in the model it breaks the code
Discountmodel <- stan_glm(
Accept_Reject ~ Discount,
data = pubdata,
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
prior_intercept = NULL,
chains = 3, iter = 10000,
diagnostic_file=file.path(tempdir(), "df.csv"))
Discount_TP_model <- stan_glm(
Accept_Reject ~ Discount, TP,
data = pubdata,
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
prior_intercept = NULL,
chains = 3, iter = 10000,
diagnostic_file=file.path(tempdir(), "df.csv"))
THAT WORKED!!! You sir, deserve some kind of medal. Never thought I would be able to figure this out. Thanks a million!
Will the default priors be a serious problem for interpretation as they are right now? I will meet with my research mentor this week and I can have her help specifying a prior, but I don’t have the knowledge myself to do that. Regardless…I’m just ecstatic I have a fully working script finally
They don’t give medals for fixing typos. Basically, the easiest way I know of to think about model probabilities, Bayes factors, etc. is that they are a contest to see which prior predictive distribution turned out to be most consistent with the observed data. For better or for worse, the prior predictive distribution is not well-defined when some of the priors are improper.