I’m trying to roughly replicate Harvey, Trimbur & van Dijk (2005). See pages 3-4 for their model. Right now I’m only concerned with 1st order cycles.
As it stands right now, autocorrelations are really high - when I look at trace plots, several parameters (especially lambda
and rho
) look like they’ve just not really moving. Combining this with large Rhat values makes me think that it just hasn’t converged by the time it gets to sampling.
What can I do to improve convergence? It seems like I had a a similar problem when I was working on a local level model that had problems similar to “Neal’s funnel” that made me specify the ratios for the variances instead of the variances themselves. Do I need to find a way to reparametarize lambda
and rho
? I’m not sure how I would, but based on their particularly low sample sizes and high Rhats, they seem to be causing my fitting issues.
Stan code (ts_trend_cycle.stan)
data {
int<lower=0> N;
real y[N];
# Priors on variances
real <lower=0> sigma_epsilon_prior_mean;
real <lower=0> sigma_epsilon_prior_std;
real <lower=0> signal_noise_prior_mean;
real <lower=0> signal_noise_prior_std;
real <lower=0> cycle_trend_prior_mean;
real <lower=0> cycle_trend_prior_std;
# Priors on cycle process
real rho_alpha;
real rho_beta;
real <lower=0> lambda_alpha;
real <lower=0> lambda_beta;
parameters {
# Variances
real <lower=0> sigma_epsilon;
real <lower=0> ratio_signal_noise;
real <lower=0> ratio_cycle_trend;
# Cycle process
real <lower=0, upper=1> lambda;
real <lower=0, upper=1> rho;
# Time series of trend and cycle
vector[N] beta;
matrix[N, 2] psi;
# Initial value of trend (diffuse / no likelihood)
real mu_0_offset;
transformed parameters{
real <lower=0> sigma_zeta;
real <lower=0> sigma_kappa;
matrix[2,2] T_psi;
vector[N] mu;
real mu_0;
# Cycle transition equation
T_psi[1,1] = rho * cos(lambda);
T_psi[2,1] = -rho * sin(lambda);
T_psi[1,2] = rho * sin(lambda);
T_psi[2,2] = rho * cos(lambda);
# Defined ratio_signal_noise = sigma_eta / sigma_epsilon
sigma_zeta = sigma_epsilon * ratio_signal_noise;
# Defined ratio_cycle_trend = sigma_kappa / sigma_eta
sigma_kappa = sigma_zeta * ratio_cycle_trend;
# Trend defined from slope
# Fix scale of mu_0:
mu_0 = mu_0_offset + y[1];
mu = cumulative_sum(beta) + mu_0;
model {
# Priors
sigma_epsilon ~ normal(sigma_epsilon_prior_mean, sigma_epsilon_prior_std);
ratio_signal_noise ~ normal(signal_noise_prior_mean, signal_noise_prior_std);
ratio_cycle_trend ~ normal(cycle_trend_prior_mean, cycle_trend_prior_std);
rho ~ uniform(rho_alpha, rho_beta);
lambda ~ beta(lambda_alpha, lambda_beta);
# Build trend
# Beta nonstationary, ignore any "error" in the first period.
beta[2:N] ~ normal(beta[1:N-1], sigma_zeta);
# Build cycle
# First period psi variance depends on inverted system since we have a max
# eignevalue less than one here.
psi[1] ~ normal(0, (1 / (1-rho^2)) * sigma_kappa);
# Project psi forward each period
for (i in 2:N) {
psi[i] ~ normal(T_psi * psi[i-1]', sigma_kappa);
# Likelihood of data
y ~ normal(mu + psi[,1], sigma_epsilon);
R code
# Load libraries
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
# Get data from FRED
getSymbols("GDPC1", src="FRED")
dat = list(y = as.vector(coredata(log(GDPC1))), N = dim(GDP)[1],
signal_noise_prior_mean = 100, signal_noise_prior_std = 200,
sigma_epsilon_prior_mean = 1, sigma_epsilon_prior_std = 2,
cycle_trend_prior_mean = 0.5, cycle_trend_prior_std = 1,
rho_alpha = 0, rho_beta = 1, lambda_alpha = 4, lambda_beta = 9);
# Fit
fit = stan(file="ts_trend_cycle.stan", data=dat,
control=list(max_treedepth=15, adapt_delta=0.95),
iter=2000, chains=4)
pairs(fit, pars=list("sigma_zeta", "sigma_epsilon", "sigma_kappa",
"lambda", "rho", "mu_0_offset"))
launch_shinystan(drop_parameters(as.shinystan(fit), pars=c("beta", "mu", "psi")))