Translating/comparing brms parameter estimates to rstan estimates

In an effort to improve my understanding and development of stan models, I am “working backwards” from brms to “pure” stan to compare outputs of what should be the same model.

## BRMS model

## Model formula
mod1_fmla <- bf(CR_Present ~ Condition +
                  Session_Type +
                  Facilitator +
                  Condition:Session_Type +
                  Facilitator:Session_Type +
                  (1 | Condition / Group))

## Specify global priors
priors <- c(
  set_prior("normal(0,1)",  class = "b"),
  set_prior("normal(0,1)",  class = "Intercept"),
  set_prior("cauchy(0,1)",  class = "sd"),
  set_prior("cauchy(0,1)",  class = "sd", coef = "Intercept", group = "Condition"),
  set_prior("cauchy(0,1)",  class = "sd", coef = "Intercept", group = "Condition:Group")

## Compile and run model
BRMS_Mod <- brm(
  family = "bernoulli",
  prior = priors,
  inits = 0,
  iter = 2000,
  warmup = 1000,
  chains = 2,
  cores = ncores,
  sample_prior = TRUE,
  seed = 1234,
  control = list(max_treedepth = 12,
                 adapt_delta = 0.99

There are 14 parameters in the fitted model:

 [1] "b"               "Intercept"       "sd_1"           
 [4] "z_1"             "sd_2"            "z_2"            
 [7] "r_1_1"           "r_2_1"           "b_Intercept"    
[10] "prior_b"         "prior_Intercept" "prior_sd_1_1"   
[13] "prior_sd_2_1"    "lp__"  

The summary has 15 paramter estimates:

Population-Level Effects: 
Intercept                                                 -0.20
ConditionIntervention                                      0.22
Session_TypeInitial_Homecare                              -1.54
Session_TypeInitial_Debrief                               -1.17
Session_TypeFollowMup_Homecare                            -2.92
Session_TypeFollowMup_Debrief                             -1.45
FacilitatorFacilitator2                                   -0.26
ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeInitial_Homecare        -1.05
ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeInitial_Debrief          0.32
ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeFollowMup_Homecare      -0.99
ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeFollowMup_Debrief       -0.13
Session_TypeInitial_Homecare:FacilitatorFacilitator2      -0.44
Session_TypeInitial_Debrief:FacilitatorFacilitator2        0.75
Session_TypeFollowMup_Homecare:FacilitatorFacilitator2    -0.65
Session_TypeFollowMup_Debrief:FacilitatorFacilitator2      0.22

For comparison, I fit the same model using the stan_data() and stancode() functions from BRMS

Stan_Fit <- sampling(
  stan_model(model_code = Stan_Code, 
             auto_write = rstan_options("auto_write")),
  data = standata(BRMS_Mod),
    iter = 2000,
    warmup = 1000,
    init = 0,
    chains = 2,
    cores = ncores,
    seed = 1234,
    control = list(max_treedepth = 12,
                   adapt_delta = 0.99)

The Stan model has the same estimated parameters:

 [1] "b"               "Intercept"       "sd_1"           
 [4] "z_1"             "sd_2"            "z_2"            
 [7] "r_1_1"           "r_2_1"           "b_Intercept"    
[10] "prior_b"         "prior_Intercept" "prior_sd_1_1"   
[13] "prior_sd_2_1"    "lp__" 

But, the summary shows >50 parameter estimates

                         mean     se_mean          sd
b[1]             2.217257e-01 0.020471036   0.8290820
b[2]            -1.537814e+00 0.008043568   0.3371027
b[3]            -1.174772e+00 0.006399751   0.2449436
b[4]            -2.923468e+00 0.011252569   0.5230500
b[5]            -1.450151e+00 0.008074908   0.3097133
b[6]            -2.599561e-01 0.008185724   0.2617239
b[7]            -1.052058e+00 0.008810477   0.4305872
b[8]             3.241392e-01 0.005720877   0.2425289
b[9]            -9.873551e-01 0.012379691   0.6608076
b[10]           -1.287215e-01 0.007753539   0.3090895
b[11]           -4.429590e-01 0.009369959   0.4255439
b[12]            7.499469e-01 0.005516026   0.2483604
b[13]           -6.541740e-01 0.012289146   0.6643431
b[14]            2.192564e-01 0.007258343   0.3046114
Intercept       -1.525383e+00 0.033777919   0.9652861
sd_1[1]          1.436836e+00 0.046714680   1.3970096
z_1[1,1]        -7.517089e-01 0.021172056   0.7810144
z_1[1,2]        -4.972927e-01 0.018919796   0.7594828
sd_2[1]          4.477611e-01 0.004041604   0.1209679
z_2[1,1]         8.596555e-02 0.014483056   0.5831262
z_2[1,2]        -1.253229e+00 0.014916998   0.6980695
z_2[1,3]         3.111350e-01 0.014900960   0.6099702
z_2[1,4]         1.149322e+00 0.016503509   0.6165432
z_2[1,5]        -4.060654e-01 0.015903545   0.6457641
z_2[1,6]         2.134038e-01 0.015484912   0.5889044
z_2[1,7]         5.544974e-02 0.015525774   0.6473537
z_2[1,8]        -6.181450e-01 0.014747755   0.6660775
z_2[1,9]         5.290829e-01 0.015906044   0.5698653
z_2[1,10]        8.729432e-01 0.016571499   0.5810122
z_2[1,11]        7.845846e-01 0.017139551   0.6229427
z_2[1,12]       -6.204374e-01 0.015044339   0.5690281
z_2[1,13]       -9.586822e-01 0.015809491   0.6092595
z_2[1,14]       -4.878422e-01 0.016512104   0.5412494
z_2[1,15]        8.643315e-01 0.017285002   0.6057127
z_2[1,16]       -1.332695e+00 0.016735423   0.6309517
r_1_1[1]        -1.144309e+00 0.040164351   1.1217041
r_1_1[2]        -8.140889e-01 0.031927232   1.0065935
r_2_1[1]         3.782811e-02 0.006578949   0.2588802
r_2_1[2]        -5.487705e-01 0.007058007   0.3202292
r_2_1[3]         1.352888e-01 0.006769787   0.2653286
r_2_1[4]         4.959403e-01 0.007115804   0.2696668
r_2_1[5]        -1.719174e-01 0.007350662   0.2827683
r_2_1[6]         9.256252e-02 0.006880261   0.2568993
r_2_1[7]         2.529879e-02 0.007081619   0.2878717
r_2_1[8]        -2.672047e-01 0.006906700   0.2965187
r_2_1[9]         2.256720e-01 0.006860215   0.2517440
r_2_1[10]        3.736942e-01 0.006813081   0.2510305
r_2_1[11]        3.369743e-01 0.007350852   0.2714495
r_2_1[12]       -2.701398e-01 0.006758221   0.2507979
r_2_1[13]       -4.192210e-01 0.007321869   0.2733448
r_2_1[14]       -2.096125e-01 0.007437828   0.2380768
r_2_1[15]        3.655870e-01 0.007103823   0.2513691
r_2_1[16]       -5.749828e-01 0.007158903   0.2695888
b_Intercept     -1.997591e-01 0.039201459   1.1117260
prior_b         -1.647482e-02 0.022177523   0.9896906
prior_Intercept  2.471019e-02 0.022081330   0.9972855
prior_sd_1_1     1.006901e+01 3.391166288 151.9934237
prior_sd_2_1     5.821483e+00 0.944451437  42.5894717
lp__            -1.285477e+03 0.216157036   5.1362030

I’m trying to figure out which Stan estimates map onto the BRMS estimates and/or how. Does anyone know of where that might be documented?

I’m also unsure of how the model is specified:

data {
int<lower=1> N;  // number of observations
int Y[N];  // response variable
int<lower=1> K;  // number of population-level effects
matrix[N, K] X;  // population-level design matrix
// data for group-level effects of ID 1
int<lower=1> N_1;  // number of grouping levels
int<lower=1> M_1;  // number of coefficients per level
int<lower=1> J_1[N];  // grouping indicator per observation
// group-level predictor values
vector[N] Z_1_1;
// data for group-level effects of ID 2
int<lower=1> N_2;  // number of grouping levels
int<lower=1> M_2;  // number of coefficients per level
int<lower=1> J_2[N];  // grouping indicator per observation
// group-level predictor values
vector[N] Z_2_1;
int prior_only;  // should the likelihood be ignored?
transformed data {
  int Kc = K - 1;
  matrix[N, Kc] Xc;  // centered version of X without an intercept
  vector[Kc] means_X;  // column means of X before centering
  for (i in 2:K) {
    means_X[i - 1] = mean(X[, i]);
    Xc[, i - 1] = X[, i] - means_X[i - 1];
parameters {
  vector[Kc] b;  // population-level effects
  real Intercept;  // temporary intercept for centered predictors
  vector<lower=0>[M_1] sd_1;  // group-level standard deviations
  vector[N_1] z_1[M_1];  // standardized group-level effects
  vector<lower=0>[M_2] sd_2;  // group-level standard deviations
  vector[N_2] z_2[M_2];  // standardized group-level effects
transformed parameters {
  vector[N_1] r_1_1;  // actual group-level effects
  vector[N_2] r_2_1;  // actual group-level effects
  r_1_1 = (sd_1[1] * (z_1[1]));
  r_2_1 = (sd_2[1] * (z_2[1]));
model {
  // initialize linear predictor term
  vector[N] mu = Intercept + Xc * b;
  for (n in 1:N) {
    // add more terms to the linear predictor
    mu[n] += r_1_1[J_1[n]] * Z_1_1[n] + r_2_1[J_2[n]] * Z_2_1[n];
  // priors including all constants
  target += normal_lpdf(b | 0,1);
  target += normal_lpdf(Intercept | 0,1);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sd_1[1] | 0,1)
  - 1 * cauchy_lccdf(0 | 0,1);
  target += std_normal_lpdf(z_1[1]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sd_2[1] | 0,1)
  - 1 * cauchy_lccdf(0 | 0,1);
  target += std_normal_lpdf(z_2[1]);
  // likelihood including all constants
  if (!prior_only) {
    target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(Y | mu);
generated quantities {
  // actual population-level intercept
  real b_Intercept = Intercept - dot_product(means_X, b);
  // additionally draw samples from priors
  real prior_b = normal_rng(0,1);
  real prior_Intercept = normal_rng(0,1);
  real prior_sd_1_1 = cauchy_rng(0,1);
  real prior_sd_2_1 = cauchy_rng(0,1);
  // use rejection sampling for truncated priors
  while (prior_sd_1_1 < 0) {
    prior_sd_1_1 = cauchy_rng(0,1);
  while (prior_sd_2_1 < 0) {
    prior_sd_2_1 = cauchy_rng(0,1);

I think r_1_1 represents “Condition” and r_2_1 is “Group”, but I’m unsure of what z_* represents. Are the standardized estimates what BRMS shows in summary? J_* and Z_*_* are all vectors of 1 for each observation

In brms, certain parameters are not stored because they are intermediate quantities not required for post-processing. That is why the rstan model has more parameters. The renaming of parameters is done in brms:::rename_pars which is even exported in the latest version of brms I think.

Thanks you! rename_pars() is helpful

function (x) 
    if (!length(x$fit@sim)) {
    bterms <- parse_bf(x$formula)
    data <- model.frame(x)
    meef <- tidy_meef(bterms, data)
    pars <- parnames(x)
    change <- c(change_effects(bterms, data = data, pars = pars), 
        change_re(x$ranef, pars = pars), change_Xme(meef, pars = pars))
    x <- save_old_par_order(x)
    x <- do_renaming(x, change)
    x <- compute_quantities(x)
    x <- reorder_pars(x)
<bytecode: 0x561672a288f8>
<environment: namespace:brms>
> BRMS_Mod[["ranef"]]
  id           group gn gtype      coef cn resp dpar nlpar ggn
1  1       Condition  1       Intercept  1                   1
2  2 Condition:Group  2       Intercept  1                   2
   cor type by cov     dist bylevels form
1 TRUE             gaussian     NULL   ~1
2 TRUE             gaussian     NULL   ~1
1                   Condition, ~Condition, gr(Condition), , TRUE, NA, , gaussian, 
2 Condition:Group, ~Condition:Group, gr(Condition:Group), , TRUE, NA, , gaussian,

I also looked through your code at tidy_meef()

Is there documentation on which pars become which? It looks like model.frame() is an important call in rename_pars(), but rstan fit objects aren’t supported by model.frame().

Perhaps I’m going about this all wrong. I’m just trying to understand the mechanics of what brms is doing and this reporting from the stan model, since the raw stan output is cryptic/foreign to me.

My goal is to get some something like the brms summary from an rstan fit, maybe using the names I’ve provided to the columns of the design matrix.

I wouldn’t dive to deep into the brms internals. It won’t get you anywhere unless you are willing to invest a lot of time. You can exclude the parameters brms excludes by looking at the $exclude slot of brmsfit objects. After excluding those parameters, you can just match the names of brms and rstan by looking at which posterior esimates match.

I am see the relationship between the betas (all specified in the design matrix), but I can’t see where the r_* parameters in the BRMS model are coming from and those are the essential ones.

 [1] "ordered_Intercept" "fixed_Intercept"   "theta"            
 [4] "chol_cor"          "bQ"                "hs_global"        
 [7] "hs_local"          "hs_slab"           "zb"               
[10] "hs_localsp"        "zbsp"              "Intercept"        
[13] "first_Intercept"   "merged_Intercept"  "zcar"             
[16] "nszcar"            "zerr"              "z_1"              
[19] "L_1"               "Cor_1"             "r_1"              
[22] "z_2"               "L_2"               "Cor_2"            
[25] "r_2"              
[1] TRUE

exclude suggests all that r_1, r_2, z_1, and z_2 are excluded, but tidybayes returns the important variables prefixed by r_

 [1] "b_Intercept"                                             
 [2] "b_ConditionIntervention"                                 
 [3] "b_Session_TypeInitial_Homecare"                          
 [4] "b_Session_TypeInitial_Debrief"                           
 [5] "b_Session_TypeFollowMup_Homecare"                        
 [6] "b_Session_TypeFollowMup_Debrief"                         
 [7] "b_FacilitatorFacilitator2"                               
 [8] "b_ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeInitial_Homecare"    
 [9] "b_ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeInitial_Debrief"     
[10] "b_ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeFollowMup_Homecare"  
[11] "b_ConditionIntervention:Session_TypeFollowMup_Debrief"   
[12] "b_Session_TypeInitial_Homecare:FacilitatorFacilitator2"  
[13] "b_Session_TypeInitial_Debrief:FacilitatorFacilitator2"   
[14] "b_Session_TypeFollowMup_Homecare:FacilitatorFacilitator2"
[15] "b_Session_TypeFollowMup_Debrief:FacilitatorFacilitator2" 
[16] "sd_Condition__Intercept"                                 
[17] "sd_Condition:Group__Intercept"                           
[18] "r_Condition[Control,Intercept]"                          
[19] "r_Condition[Intervention,Intercept]"                     
[20] "r_Condition:Group[Control_10,Intercept]"                 
[21] "r_Condition:Group[Control_12,Intercept]"                 
[22] "r_Condition:Group[Control_20,Intercept]"                 
[23] "r_Condition:Group[Control_36,Intercept]"                 
[24] "r_Condition:Group[Control_4,Intercept]"                  
[25] "r_Condition:Group[Control_40,Intercept]"                 
[26] "r_Condition:Group[Control_6,Intercept]"                  
[27] "r_Condition:Group[Control_8,Intercept]"                  
[28] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_1,Intercept]"             
[29] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_13,Intercept]"            
[30] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_17,Intercept]"            
[31] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_19,Intercept]"            
[32] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_29,Intercept]"            
[33] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_3,Intercept]"             
[34] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_33,Intercept]"            
[35] "r_Condition:Group[Intervention_41,Intercept]"            
[36] "prior_Intercept"                                         
[37] "prior_b"                                                 
[38] "prior_sd_Condition__Intercept"                           
[39] "prior_sd_Condition:Group__Intercept"                     
[40] "lp__"                                                    
[41] "accept_stat__"                                           
[42] "stepsize__"                                              
[43] "treedepth__"                                             
[44] "n_leapfrog__"                                            
[45] "divergent__"                                             
[46] "energy__" 

I see the betas in the stan model variables, but the indexing looks quite different and that’s what I’m struggling with.

 [1] "b[1]"            "b[2]"            "b[3]"           
 [4] "b[4]"            "b[5]"            "b[6]"           
 [7] "b[7]"            "b[8]"            "b[9]"           
[10] "b[10]"           "b[11]"           "b[12]"          
[13] "b[13]"           "b[14]"           "Intercept"      
[16] "sd_1[1]"         "z_1[1,1]"        "z_1[1,2]"       
[19] "sd_2[1]"         "z_2[1,1]"        "z_2[1,2]"       
[22] "z_2[1,3]"        "z_2[1,4]"        "z_2[1,5]"       
[25] "z_2[1,6]"        "z_2[1,7]"        "z_2[1,8]"       
[28] "z_2[1,9]"        "z_2[1,10]"       "z_2[1,11]"      
[31] "z_2[1,12]"       "z_2[1,13]"       "z_2[1,14]"      
[34] "z_2[1,15]"       "z_2[1,16]"       "r_1_1[1]"       
[37] "r_1_1[2]"        "r_2_1[1]"        "r_2_1[2]"       
[40] "r_2_1[3]"        "r_2_1[4]"        "r_2_1[5]"       
[43] "r_2_1[6]"        "r_2_1[7]"        "r_2_1[8]"       
[46] "r_2_1[9]"        "r_2_1[10]"       "r_2_1[11]"      
[49] "r_2_1[12]"       "r_2_1[13]"       "r_2_1[14]"      
[52] "r_2_1[15]"       "r_2_1[16]"       "b_Intercept"    
[55] "prior_b"         "prior_Intercept" "prior_sd_1_1"   
[58] "prior_sd_2_1"    "lp__"            "accept_stat__"  
[61] "stepsize__"      "treedepth__"     "n_leapfrog__"   
[64] "divergent__"     "energy__"  

Is something behind the scenes in BRMS combining r_1_1 and r_2_1 parameters to create r_* variables indexed from r_variable[r_1_1, r_2_1] ?

I realize this is like a basic/pedestrian series of questions, but I’m not sure where to look to get an understanding of the stan code.

In digging in a little deeper, it looks like the 2nd random effect is the one I’m after.

It looks like brms creates a character vector in $data from the values in r_1_1 and r_2_1, which correspond to the values in r_2_1 the levels are numeric in rstan and are alphabetically arranged in brms by ascending order (r_1_1, r_2_1).

You may now also use the empty argument in brms to change stan code and the code back into brms. There is an example now in ?brm when using the brms version from github. Then renaming is done by brms and you don’t need to worry about ordering.


Is this designed to have a stanfit object assigned to the fit slot of the brmsfit object?


Amazing, thank you!