Hi. I am new to stan and I am trying to implement a Stochastic Block Model as specified below:
Bayesian Stochastic Block models Note.pdf (118.8 KB)
I am trying to sample from the density given by the last expression on page 2. Here is my stan code:
// The input data is a vector 'y' of length 'N'.
data {
int<lower=1> k; // number of categories or clusters
int<lower=2> n; // number of vertices (nodes) in the network
int<lower=0, upper=1> A[n,n]; // the sample graph (network)
vector<lower=1>[k] n_k; // number nodes that fall into a category ***Note*** n_k = n_r
vector<lower=0>[k] alpha; // a vector of alphas that parameterize the Dirichlet distribution
int<lower=1> z[n]; // class or cluster assignments
matrix<lower=0>[k,k] n_rs; // Constant used in the Gibbs sampling
matrix<lower=0>[k,k] A_rs; // Constant used in the Gibbs sampling
parameters {
simplex[k] p[n]; // membership probability per vertex
model {
matrix[k,k] Qrs;
for(r in 1:k){
for(s in 1:k){
Qrs[r,s] = beta(1 + A_rs[r,s],1 + n_rs[r,s] - A_rs[r,s]);
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:n){
target += A[i,j]*log(Qrs[z[i],z[j]] + .01) + (1-A[i,j])*log(1-Qrs[z[i],z[j]] + .01);
for(l in 1:n){
target += A[l,i]*log(Qrs[z[l],z[i]] + .01) + (1-A[l,i])*log(1-Qrs[z[l],z[i]] + .01);
I know that the following lines are not allowed in the model block because the _rng functions cannot be used in the model block, but how do I generate the beta values then?
for(r in 1:k){
for(s in 1:k){
Qrs[r,s] = beta_rng(1 + A_rs[r,s],1 + n_rs[r,s] - A_rs[r,s]);
The key problem is that I need to first draw from a beta distribution and then use the result of the random draws in the update. How do I do this in stan?