Stan speed drastically decreases when adding one extra parameter

/* I am coding a likelihood which is the product of a negative binomial and a beta binomial connected by the parameter bj. I also have linear regressors for the negative binomial (betas). When I run the code simulating one beta (intercept) it takes 46 seconds. When I add a covariate it takes 1920 seconds. The results are what I expect based on my simulations, but I wonder how I can reduce the running time.
Many thanks in advance!!!

functions{ // Y is array and arrays are declared as shown in manual p.296)

  real help_log(int [] Y, matrix ynmgencov, vector betas, real bj,  real phi, real theta){

    vector[rows(ynmgencov)] mu;//the linear predictor
    real meane; // mu adjusted by genotype
    real lprob; // collects each term of the log.likelihood (per individual)
    real lbetaprob; // prob for the beta binomial estimation
    real p; // proportion of ASE
    real x; // to collect information
    real y; // to collect info
    real z; // to collect info
    real t; // to collect info
    real q; // to swap haps when genotype =-1
    real w; // to deal with complete allelic imbalance
    real j; // to deal with complete allelic imbalance opposite hap
    real k; // while loop
    lprob=0; // collects log likelihood terms
      mu = exp(ynmgencov[,5:cols(ynmgencov)] * betas); //using the log link, default for geno=0
      for(i in 1:rows(ynmgencov)){ // loop through individuals
	meane = exp(log(mu[i]) +log(1+exp(bj))-log(2));
	meane=exp(log(mu[i]) + bj);
      lprob=neg_binomial_2_lpmf(Y[i] | meane, phi) + lprob;

	if(ynmgencov[i,3]>5) { // at least 5 total ASE counts to use ASE info 
	      		if(fabs(ynmgencov[i,4])==1) { //hets diff from hom (p=0.5)
				      } else {
			if(!(ynmgencov[i,4]==-1)) { // no hap swap
						   } else { // hap swap

		 while(k<ynmgencov[i,3]){// need to do while loop due to matrix definition of real values 
			  lprob = lprob + lbetaprob;



data {
  int<lower=0> N; // number of samples
  int<lower=0> K; // number of covariates (including intercept)
  int Y[N]; // the response
  matrix[N,4+K] ynmgencov; // matrix with columns as: counts (y) ,n counts, m counts, genotype rSNP (gen) and covariates (cov)

parameters {
	   vector[K] betas; //the regression param
           real bj; // log fold change ASE
  	   real<lower=0> phi; //the overdispersion parameter for negative binomial
	   real<lower=0> theta; //the overdispersion parameter for beta binomial

model {

  Y ~ help(ynmgencov, betas, bj,phi,theta);

[edit: escaped code]

I suspect you should be putting a prior on the betas parameter vector.

That said, you should be able to speed up the program by refactoring the code.

  • understand vectorized operations and use them everywhere. the code generated using vectorized operations is far more efficient that the code which uses loops.
  • also use the conditional operator when possible instead of the if-else statements. see the manual for examples.
  • use the transformed data blocks to analyze the information in ynmgencov matrix and create auxiliary data structures which answer questions such as at least 5 total ASE counts to use ASE info and hap swap. The transformed data block is executed exactly once; the help_log function is executed with every step of the sampler. So anything that can be computed once should be.

here’s an example:

  • precompute t value in transformed data block - I think this is only dependent on information in your design matrix.
  • also in transformed data block set up a vector of length max( t) +1 that stores values from 0 through max(t). (I don’t think Stan math lib has the equivalent of R’s function). let’s call that vector v_ts.
  • with this, you can use Stan’s slice indexing to rewrite the while loop:
z = sum(log(v_ts[1:(t + 1)]*theta + 1 - p))

Many thanks for your help, much appreciated!!!

I am having trouble with the expression:

v_ts[1:(t + 1)]

As t is derived from a matrix it is of type real and when I try to use it as index it doesn’t work. Is there any easy workaround this?

Many thanks in advance,


the Stan language doesn’t let you convert a real to an int.
(see Convert real to int and elsewhere on the forums).

you’re best off passing in int data values as an array of ints, so your input data will be broken down into a matrix plus one or more int arrays.

anything that can be computed from the data alone, without reference to parameters in the model, should be done beforehand, if possible, or in the transformed data section. it would be possible to write a little helper function to concert a real value to an int - (see here: Real to Int) and calling this from transformed data wouldn’t be so bad…
