Hi, I’m new to Rstanarm and I’m trying to model a regression where the priors have a positive distribution like a Gamma or Exponential.
Reading through the priors Documentation, I see that there is an option for an exponential prior but when I try specifying it I get the error “The prior distribution should be one of normal, student_t, cauchy, hs, hs_plus, laplace, lasso, product_normal”.
Is there another way to do this?
On the sample dataset mpg, I wish to model the coefficients with positive priors:
post4 <-
hwy ~ displ + year + cyl,
data = mpg,
prior = exponential(rate = 1),
seed = 12345)
- Operating System:
“Windows” “10 x64” “build 19044” - rstanarm Version: