I have 20 units with each of the units being observed 32 times, which gives me a grand total of 640 observations.
I am trying to model the spatial relationship for the standard deviation of the inefficiency component. My spatial weights matrix is 20 x 20, but of course, when using multi_normal distribution it is demanding that my spatial weights matrix be 640 x 640, which is of course not needed as it will be 31 repetitions for each unit.
I am sure that there is a way to code the 20 x 20 matrix into the multi_normal distribution so it knows that unit id â1â in weights matrix relates to 32 â1sâ in the data.
Here is my code and the error I am getting says "multi_normal_lpdf: Size of random variable (640) and rows of covariance parameter (20) must match in size "
Any help will be greatly appreciated:
data {
int<lower=0> N;// Number of observations
int<lower=0> J; // Number of groups
int<lower=0> P; // Number of predictors in the regression
real Y[N]; // dependent variables
matrix[N,P] X;
int<lower=1,upper=J> dhb_id[N]; // specifying 20 groups for random effects
matrix<lower=0>[J,J] W; // 20 x 20 Spatial weight matrix
matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[J,J] I; // 20 x 20 identity matrix
parameters {
real alpha;
vector[P] beta;
real<lower=0> sigma_e;
real<lower=0> sigma_u; // SD of variance
real<lower=-1,upper=1> lambda; // measures the spatial correlation
vector<lower = 0>[N]mean_u;
vector<lower = 0>[N]u; // inefficiency component
vector[J]RE; // vector capturing random effects
transformed parameters {
yhat = alpha + X*beta +u + RE[dhb_id] ;
model {
alpha ~ normal(0,1);
beta ~ normal (0,2);
lambda ~ normal (0,2);
mean_u ~ normal(0,2);
u ~ multi_normal(mean_u, **tcrossprod(I - lambda * W)*(sigma_u*sigma_u)**);
RE ~ normal(0,2);
Y ~ normal(yhat, sigma_e);
I think you have two options. One is using the kronecker product to create a block diagonal matrix. First in R make an identity matrix It = diag(31) then Wt = kronecker(It, W). That should give you a 640 x 640 matrix. Then for your Stan data youâll provide W = Wt and I = diag(640). I think that should give you independent groups of parameters u that share the same lambda and sigma_u parameters. Double check my thinking, would that work for you? The downside is that this might make the sampling issues even worse for the multivariate normal, this is a slow model to fit in Stan.
Second option would be to loop over each group of 20 observations inside the transformed parameters and model blocks in Stan. Iâm less helpful on this point right now and Iâm thinking that might get messy trying to index the observations correctly, but maybe thatâs enough to get you started, or maybe someone else can jump in to help. This option might sample more quickly but requires more work
Hope you are doing well.
I managed to create a 640 x 640 matrix and this is my code. But unfortunately, it is taking a very long time to run.
This is the code:
data {
int<lower=0> N;// Number of observations
int<lower=0> J; // Number of groups
int<lower=0> P; // Number of predictors in main regression
vector[N] Y; // dependent variables
matrix[N,P] X;
int<lower=1,upper=J> dhb_id[N]; // Number of groups
matrix<lower=0>[N,N] W;// 640 x 640 spatial matrix
matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[N,N] I; // 640 x 640 Identity matrix
transformed parameters {
vector[J] r ;
vector[N]mu ;
r = re * sigma_r;
mu = alpha+ X*beta + r[dhb_id];
model {
re ~ normal (0,2);
sigma_r ~cauchy(0, 1);
sigma~cauchy(0, 1);
alpha ~ normal(0,2);
beta ~ normal (0,2);
lambda ~ normal (0,2);
Y ~ multi_normal_prec(mu, tcrossprod(I - lambda * W)/(sigma * sigma));
generated quantities {
this is coming up with
Chain 1:
Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 2.232 seconds
Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 22320 seconds.
Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
Chain 1:
Chain 1:
Chain 1: Iteration: 1 / 1000 [ 0%] (Warmup)
Unfortunately I donât think anyoneâs made an efficient implementation of those models, the multivariate normal is the super slow part.
Are you open to other model specifications? A spatial filtering model would probably be a lot faster and this paper provides some direct justification for substituting out the SAR you have for ESF. If youâre interested I can provide some code to make it a little easier
Thanks once again for following up.
Yes sure, I will be interested in learning more about âspatial filteringâ . I clicked the link , but it is asking me for the ID and password.
If you have a fixed spatial lag panel model, you can extract the code from brms command âcor_lagsar()â and simply modify it. That includes many coding tricks in terms of stan. It might be fast than the code shown here.
I think that the main issue is still related to the calculation of the jacobian term. In their code, this is carried out by Ordâs approach (1975). However, I believe that applying some decomposition methods may help to speed up. I notice that in the rstan v2.30, the STAN group provides a function log_determinant_spd. I will check this later.
Hi @Charleslingâyes, youâre certainly right, that would be faster.
Since writing that post, Iâve worked on developing some functions for SAR and CAR models that include the method from Cliff and Ord (probably the same one from Ord 1975) for calculating the determinant using (fixed, pre-calculated) eigenvalues, as well as some indexing tricks that speed it up a little further still.
For CAR models Iâve documented how to use these functions to build custom Stan models [https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/3ey65]. The prep_car_data and prep_sar_data functions in the R package geostan (see [Function reference ⢠geostan]) take care of the data prep part, returning lists of data to pass to Stan.