Dear Stan,
Many of the problems that I come across in my line of work (marine biology) involve problems that are essentially space-time questions i.e. modelling a (complex non-gaussian) response (presence / absence of a species) that varies as a function of space (long-lat) and time (with and without additional explanatory variables, such as ocean temperature).
I have recently discovered BRMS and it’s ability to readily produce and model CAR correlation structures. However, I am wondering if this can be extended to a spacetime model? Much like can be done with INLA’s SPDEs, I would be aiming to have multiple realisations of the CAR field, one for each time step, with correlations (e.g. AR1) between temporally adjacent fields.
How realistic is such a goal in BRMS at the moment? And in the future?
Best wishes,
- Operating System: Linux Mint 18.2
- brms Version: NA