I need to solve an integral equation, the integral is:
For example, I need the value of theta if the result of the integral is 0.6. How can I implement this in STAN ?
I need to solve an integral equation, the integral is:
For example, I need the value of theta if the result of the integral is 0.6. How can I implement this in STAN ?
that should be attackable with the algebra solver in Stan… @charlesm93 ?
@wds15 is correct. Stan’s algebraic solver should be able to handle this. You need to specify an algebraic equation of the form
So if I understand you correctly,
The ODE solver should be able to handle the integral in the nominator, with the integrand providing the R.H.S of the differential equation – you’ll need to work out the initial condition, which should be feasible with a tool like wolfram mathematica. Alternatively, if \theta is a scalar, you might try the 1D integrator.