I’m trying to do some proper Bayesian work (following Betancourt workflow) so I simulated data and then I fit them on the same model. The model formula would have been written as
y ~ -1+analyst + (analyst|p) + (analyst|u)
The problem is that the model estimates are not aligned with the used priors I set to generate the data.
So I get these results out of 50 sets,
- Blue points: Mean of each posterior
- Black intervals: HDI of the blue points
- Orange is the priors I used to generate the data.
The issue is that the Omegas had to be close to zero as I generated the data using LKG(10) but the summary show a clear (weak) correlation. By using LKG(2) the correlation is like -0.7.
Any ideas why the random effects are correlated when the data generative process indicate no correlation?
Thanks for your time
Here is the Stan model
Fitting model:
Log-normal Multilevel model -
y ~ -1+analyst + (analyst|period) + (analyst|unit)
// Observed variables
data {
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=0> n_analyst;
int analyst[N];
real analyst_sd; //Analyst error
// Varying intercepts
// period
int<lower=1> P; //number of periods
int<lower=1,upper=P> period[N]; //period id
// item
int<lower=1> U; //number units
int<lower=1,upper=U> unit[N]; //unit id
// Parameters for the given priors
real sigma_mu; //Random error
real sigma_sd; // Random error variation
real sigma_p_mu_o; //Random error
real sigma_p_sd_o; // Random error variation
real sigma_p_mu_i; //Random error
real sigma_p_sd_i; // Random error variation
real sigma_u_mu_o; //Random error
real sigma_u_sd_o; // Random error variation
real sigma_u_mu_i; //Randome error
real sigma_u_sd_i; // Random error variation
// Period effect by analyst 1
real period_mu_o;
real period_sd_o;
// Period effect by analyst 2
real period_mu_i;
real period_sd_i;
// Unit effect
real unit_mu;
real unit_sd;
// Correlation
real eta_p;
real eta_u;
real analyst_mu1; //Set the mean of 1st analyst
real analyst_mu2;//Set the mean of 2nd analyst
vector[N] y; // Response
parameters {
// analyst
vector[n_analyst] analyst_b;
real<lower=0> sigma;
// sd for random effects - There're of size 2 because they are 2 analysts
vector<lower=0>[2] sigma_p; // period errors
vector<lower=0>[2] sigma_u; // unit errors
// declare L_u to be the Choleski factor of a 2x2 correlation matrix
// 2x2 because they are two type of uncertainties (2 analysts)
// for periods
cholesky_factor_corr[2] Lu_p;
// for units
cholesky_factor_corr[2] Lu_u;
// random effect matrix
// Size of 2 to have the intercept and slope
// for periods
// Size of P to get the intercept and slope for each period seperately
matrix[2,P] zu_p;
// for items
// The size of z_ui is follwing the same logic to zu_p
matrix[2,U] zu_u;
transformed parameters {
// this transform random effects so that they have the correlation
// matrix specified by the correlation matrix above
// period
matrix[2,P] up;
up = diag_pre_multiply(sigma_p, Lu_p) * zu_p;
// item
matrix[2,U] uu;
uu = diag_pre_multiply(sigma_u, Lu_u) * zu_u;
model {
real mu; // conditional mean of the dependent variable
// LKJ prior for the correlation matrix
Lu_p ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(eta_p);
Lu_u ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(eta_u);
to_vector(zu_p) ~ normal(0,1);
to_vector(zu_u) ~ normal(0,1);
// prior for the dispersion and the standard deviation
sigma ~ lognormal(sigma_mu, sigma_sd);
sigma_p[1] ~ lognormal(sigma_p_mu_o, sigma_p_sd_o);
sigma_p[2] ~ lognormal(sigma_p_mu_i, sigma_p_sd_i);
sigma_u[1] ~ lognormal(sigma_u_mu_o, sigma_u_sd_o);
sigma_u[2] ~ lognormal(sigma_u_mu_i, sigma_u_sd_i);
// prior for fixed-effect
analyst_b[1] ~ normal(analyst_mu1, analyst_sd);
analyst_b[2] ~ normal(analyst_mu2, analyst_sd);
// Simulate data from observational model
for(n in 1:N){
// The model
mu = analyst_b[analyst[n]] + //analyst effect
up[1,period[n]] + // period intercept
up[2,period[n]]*analyst[n] + // deviation from period intercept
uu[1,unit[n]] + // unit intercept
uu[2,unit[n]]*analyst[n];// deviation from unit intercept
y[n] ~ lognormal(mu, sigma);
generated quantities {
// get the correlation matrix back
matrix[2, 2] Omega_p= Lu_p * Lu_p';
matrix[2, 2] Omega_u= Lu_u * Lu_u';