So, start with a simple standard IID Gaussian model:
// standard.stan
int n;
vector[n] y ;
real mu ;
real<lower=0> sigma ;
mu ~ std_normal() ;
sigma ~ weibull(2,1) ;
y ~ normal(mu,sigma) ;
Fits fast even for big n:
mod = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model('standard.stan')
data = tibble::lst(
n = 1e4
, y = rnorm(n)
, parallel_chains = parallel::detect_cores()/2
, refresh = 0 #too fast for bothering to update
, iter_warmup = 1e4 #just to slow things down
, iter_sampling = 1e4 #ditto
#about 6s
Still, one can get substantial speedup by replacing the likelihood with sufficient statistics:
// sufficient.stan
int<lower=1> n ;
vector[n] y ;
transformed data{
real obs_mean = mean(y) ;
real obs_var = variance(y) ;
real sqrt_n = sqrt(n) ;
real var_gamma_par = (n - 1) / 2 ;
real mu ;
real<lower=0> sigma ;
mu ~ std_normal() ;
sigma ~ weibull(2,1) ;
obs_mean ~ normal( mu , sigma/sqrt_n ) ;
obs_var ~ gamma( var_gamma_par , var_gamma_par ./ pow(sigma,2) ) ;
Which for n=1e4
samples in about 0.3s! (more speed comparison here).
Now that trick is of rather limited application, depending on IID, but we can induce IID for any model with a y~normal(...)
likelihood by centering and scaling the observations with respect to the model’s mean and standard deviation parameters. This of course means that instead of a data variable to the left of the ~
's, we’ll have variables that reflect non-linear transforms of parameters, thereby requiring jacobian adjustment. Happily the amazing @spinkney provided these for me, yielding the model:
// transformed_sufficient.stan
int n;
vector[n] y ;
transformed data{
real sqrt_n = sqrt(n) ;
real var_gamma_par = (n-1)/2 ;
real mu ;
real<lower=0> sigma ;
mu ~ std_normal() ;
sigma ~ weibull(2,1) ;
// d: deviations of y from mu
vector[n] d = y-mu ;
real sigma_sq = pow(sigma,2) ;
// mz_se: mean z divided by standard error
// should be distributed ~normal(0,1)
real mz_se = sum(d)/(sqrt_n*sigma_sq) ;
mz_se ~ std_normal() ;
// v: variance of d divided by expected variance
// should be distributed ~gamma( (n-1)/2 , (n-1)/2 )
real zv = variance(d)/sigma_sq ;
zv ~ gamma(var_gamma_par,var_gamma_par) ;
target += log(zv) -3*log(sigma);
However, compared to both the earlier models, this one is much slower. What gives?