Sharing inv_metric across folds

If I have k-fold (k=10) cv that I am running with the same model object for every fold, but different training data. Should I be able to extract an inv_metric diagonal mass matrix from the first fold and then apply it to all the subsequent runs?

options(cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir = here::here('script/pipelines/Model/stan'))

brms_object <- brm(model, 
                prior = model_priors,
                chains = 0,
                backend = "cmdstanr",
                data = full_data

fit_obj <- update(brms_object,
                   warmup = 1000,
                   iter = 1000,
                   chains = 1,
                   save_warmup =TRUE,
                   seed = 12345,
                   init = runif(1, 0, 1e-2),
                   sig_figs = 18,
                   newdata = data_fold_1)
brms_inv_mat <- (fit_obj[["fit"]] |> 
              rstan::get_adaptation_info() |> 
              (\(x) gsub('\\# ','',x))() |> 
              strsplit('\n'))[[1]][3] |> 
            (\(x) sprintf('c(%s)',x))() |> 
            (\(x) parse(text = x))() |> 
            eval() |>

                iter = 2000, 
                thin = 2,
                cores = 4,
                seed = 12345,
                init = stats::runif(1, 0, 1e-2),
                inv_metric = brms_inv_mat,
                newdata = data_fold_2

when I try to do it with the cmdstan engine i get this error

The desired updates require recompiling the model
Model executable is up to date!
Start sampling
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains...

Warning: Chain 1 finished unexpectedly!

Warning: Chain 2 finished unexpectedly!

Warning: Chain 3 finished unexpectedly!

Warning: Chain 4 finished unexpectedly!

Warning: Use read_cmdstan_csv() to read the results of the failed chains.
Error: Fitting failed. Unable to retrieve the metadata.
In addition: Warning messages:
1: All chains finished unexpectedly! Use the $output(chain_id) method for more information.
2: No chains finished successfully. Unable to retrieve the fit. 

When i generate the inv_metric for each fold I can see they are all different lengths. I tried to read the documentation about the mass matrix calculation, but do not quite understand why it would differ in length when the model is constant.

> purrr::map_dbl(
result2$result, ~ (.x$fit |>
rstan::get_adaptation_info() |>
 (\(x) gsub('\\# ','',x))() |> 
 strsplit('\n'))[[1]][3] |> 
     (\(x) sprintf('c(%s)',x))() |> 
     (\(x) parse(text = x))() |> 
     eval() |>
     as.vector() |> length())
[1] 992 995 993

Running each pair of fold/inv_metric does work and does reduce the run times as expected (400s==>200s)

The number of parameters may depend on the data. What is the brms formula you are using, and do you have any categorical covariates?